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Follow the same recipe, using the zest of one lemon instead of two oranges. As lemon juice is very
sour, you may need less than 1/2 a pint (300ml), so taste it carefully before freezing.
(Makes approximately 1 1/4 pints)
Grated zest and juice of 1 grapefruit (preferably a pink one) - Grated zest and juice of
1 lemon - Grated zest of 1 orange - Juice of 2 oranges - 6 oz granulated sugar - 3/4 pint (450
ml) water - 2 small or 1 large egg white.
Follow the instructions for the Orange Sorbet and make a syrup with the sugar and water, with the
addition of the zest of the fruits. When the syrup has cooled, add the juices and pour it into the ice
cream maker. When the sorbet starts to freeze and thicken, add the egg whites, so that they are
incorporated and whisked into the syrup for the last 10 minutes of freezing time.
(Makes approximately 1 1/4 pints of mixture)
2 large, ripe mangoes - 5 oz (150 g) granulated sugar - I/2 pint (300 ml) water - Juice of a lime
or 1/2 a lemon - 1 egg white.
Make a syrup with the sugar and water, (as given in the recipe for Orange Sorbet) and when it has
cooled, add the puréed mango flesh and the lime or lemon juice Turn into the ice cream maker and
follow the instructions for the Citrus Sorbet for adding the egg white other tropical fruits that make
good sorbets are Kiwi Fruit, Paw Paw or fresh or tinned Lychees.
(Makes up to 1 pint of mixture)
1 Ib (500 g) fresh or un-sugared frozen strawberries (defrosted) - 4 oz (100 g) granulated
sugar - 1/2 pint (300 ml) water - Juice of 1/2 a lemon - 1/2 a packet of powdered gelatine -
1 egg white. (optional)
Make a syrup, as for the Orange Sorbet, with the sugar and water. While the syrup is cooling mash
the strawberries or purée them in a liquidiser or food processor and strain or sieve them to elimi-
nate the pips. Stir the strawberry purée into the sugar syrup together with the lemon juice and the
gelatine, which has been melted in a small bowl in two tablespoons of water over a pan of boiling
water. If you want a larger quantity of light sorbet, follow the instructions for Citrus Sorbet before
adding the egg white.
(Makes approximately 1 pint of mixture)
8 oz granulated sugar - 6 fl oz (175 ml) water - Zest and juice of a lemon - 1/2 pint (300 ml)
sweet white wine - 2 smell or 1 large egg white - packet gelatine. (optional)
Follow the recipe for the Orange Sorbet to make a syrup with the sugar, water and lemon zest. (If
you like a very smooth sorbet, strain out the lemon zest when the syrup has cooled). Add the lemon
juice, the wine and the melted gelatine, if you are using it (see instructions for Strawberry Sorbet
above) to the cold syrup and pour it all into the ice cream maker. As it starts to freeze add the egg
white; see the recipe for the Citrus Sorbet.
(Makes 3/4 - 1 pint of mixture)

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