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Thank you for purchasing this Macrom product. Should your product need warranty service, please return
it to the shop where you buy it or to the Macrom distributor in your country. The warranty does not cover
damage due to improper use and or installation, incorrect connections to power supply and audio sources,
exposure to excessive humidity, unauthorized repair attempts or modifications.
Safety information
Before beginning with installation, disconnect the wire from the battery ground terminal to prevent any
short during installation.
This subwoofer must properly installed by Macrom authorized installer. Impropers installation may
damege the unit and /or the vehicle. Verify all electrical and drivability of the vehicle before the installation.
Information on disposal of unit
This product bears the selective sorting symbol for waste electrical and electronic
equipment (WEEE).
This means that this product must be handled to the local collecting points or given back to
retailer when you buy a new product, in a ratio of one to one (or one to zero if the external
dimension is less than 25 cm) pursuant to European Directive 2012/19/EC in order to be
recycled or dismantled to minimize its impact on the environment.
For further information, please contact your local or regional authorities.
Electronic products not included in the selective sorting process are potentially dangerous for the
environment and human health due to the presence of hazardous substances.
The unlawful disposal of the product carries a fine according to the legislation currently in force.
User manual_ENG_M-DSPA.500.indd 3 30/05/2018 09:27:53

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