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Maclaren Basic Warranty
Maclaren Sovereign Lifetime Warranty™
All Maclaren Buggys purchased from authorised retailers are automatically covered by the
Basic 1 Year Warranty.
Maclaren Buggys purchased from authorised retailers can be registered for
Sovereign Lifetime Warranty; see adjacent information.
Basic Warranty Benefits
The Basic 1 Year Warranty is honoured by our Authorised Service Centres/Service Agents,
upon presentation of proof of purchase from an Authorised Retailer, to the original Purchaser.
Please retain your proof of purchase.
How to activate
Coverage is automatic; you do not need to activate the Basic Warranty, however proof of purchase
is required for servicing under warranty.
If you received the buggy as a gift and do not have proof of purchase, you must register online for
the Sovereign Lifetime Warranty™, in order to have warranty coverage.
What it covers
The Basic Warranty covers any manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship, for buggies
used in normal conditions and in compliance with operating instructions, during the 12 months
following purchase.
What it does not cover
Damage caused by normal wear and tear, accident or negligence. Examples include wheels and
fabric worn down by regular use and the natural breakdown of colours and materials over extended
time and use. Please refer to the products instruction leaflet, for guidance on how
to maintain your buggy.
Buggies purchased from an unauthorised Retailer. Repairs carried out by an unauthorised third party.
Should a repair be needed please refer to our Authorised Service Centres/Service Agents listing at
maclarenbaby.com Maclaren reserves the right to determine if warranty terms and conditions
have been met.
Where it applies
The Basic Warranty applies only in the country of purchase.
Important Note:
We encourage you to visit your closest Authorised Service Centre/Service Agent. Alternatively,
if you are shipping your buggy to an Authorised Service Centre/Service Agent, free shipping under
Basic warranty needs to be authorised by Maclaren Customer Service prior to shipping.
For full and complete details on how to qualify and what conditions you must meet, refer to the
Frequently Asked Questions section of our website, www.maclarenbaby.com/warranty/faqs
Thank you for choosing Maclaren. Enjoy your Maclaren Buggy!
IMPORTANT warranty will be void if defaced or removed from buggy,
carton or this instruction leaflet.
Maclaren Buggys purchased from authorised retailers can be registered for lifetime coverage. Register
within 45 days of purchase or receipt as a gift for the Sovereign Lifetime Warranty™ coverage, offered on
a complimentary basis for a limited time only. It’s the best buggy warranty coverage anywhere.
Global coverage: Sovereign Lifetime Warranty™ honoured by our Authorised Service Centres/Service
Agents everywhere.
Advance Notice of New Products: receive news in advance of release to the general public.
Emergency Alerts: you will be contacted immediately in the case of safety alerts. The Maclaren
Sovereign Lifetime Warranty™ reflects our confidence, which we want to pass on to you, our Customer,
in the unsurpassed quality of Maclaren’s design, engineering, production and quality control.
How to activate
All Maclaren Collection Buggys purchased at an authorised retailer qualify to be registered for the Lifetime
Warranty. They must be registered online, at maclarenbaby.com within 45 days of purchase, or in the
case of a gift, within 45 days of receiving the gift, in order to benefit from the Lifetime Warranty.
If you should choose not to register your buggy for the Sovereign Lifetime Warranty™, it remains
automatically covered by the Basic Warranty.
What it covers
The Sovereign Lifetime Warranty™ covers any manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship, or
buggies used in normal conditions and in compliance with operating instructions.
What it does not cover
Damage caused by normal wear and tear, accident or negligence. Examples include wheels and fabric
worn down by regular use and the natural breakdown of colours and materials over extended time
and use. Please refer to the products instruction leaflet for guidance on how to maintain your buggy.
• Buggies purchased from an unauthorised Retailer.
Repairs carried out by an unauthorised third party. Should a repair
be needed please refer it to an Authorised Service Centre/Service Agent. Listings are available by
country at maclarenbaby.com
Shipping to and from an Authorised Service Centre/Service Agent. Maclaren reserves the right to
determine if warranty terms and conditions have been met.
Who can register
The original Purchaser, or in the case of a gift, the Recipient of the buggy, can register online for the
Sovereign Lifetime Warranty™, in his or her name.
Where it applies
The Sovereign Lifetime Warranty™ is recognised anywhere in the world where there are Maclaren
Authorised Service Centres/Service Agents. Whether you’re at home or abroad, you can find a list of local
Authorised Service Centres/Agents by checking the local Maclaren website. See links to country websites
at our homepage maclarenbaby.com
What lifetime means
“Lifetime is defined as the period of use by the Registrant for her/his children. Lifetime does not include
hand-me-downs or secondary purchases of the buggy.
Important Note
The Sovereign Lifetime Warranty™ is given in addition to and does not affect your statutory (legal) rights.
All Maclaren Buggys purchased from authorised retailers are automatically covered by the Basic 1 Year
For full and complete details on how to qualify and what conditions you must meet, refer to the
Frequently Asked Questions section of our website, www.maclarenbaby.com/warranty/faqs
Thank you for choosing Maclaren. Enjoy your Maclaren Buggy!
IMPORTANT warranty will be void if defaced or removed from buggy, carton or this instruction leaflet.

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Zoeken resetten

  • Rug kan niet meer in de ligstand , lijkt aan 1 kant vast te zitten Gesteld op 16-9-2020 om 10:01

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • De zwenkwielen klikken terug vast wanneer ik hiermee rij. Wat doe ik verkeerd? Gesteld op 3-7-2017 om 07:38

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • Je moet heel hard duwen op die kleppen aan de wielen zodat je een klik hoort en de wielen vast komen te staan. Ik was te voorzichtig met hierop te duwen. Geantwoord op 8-9-2017 om 20:14

      Waardeer dit antwoord (1) Misbruik melden
  • Beste,
    Waar vind ik nieuwe handvatten voor de maclaren quest?
    Dank Gesteld op 9-5-2014 om 19:33

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • Hoe kan ik de versleten handvatten van de buggy vervangen ?
    Ben in verkooppunt geweest en ze hebben nieuwe handvatten besteld maar ik kan ze er niet opzetten Gesteld op 21-1-2014 om 15:09

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • Hallo,
      1) u kunt de oude handvatten makkelijk met een schaar of een mesje erafhalen.
      2) Haal de dopjes van de metalen buis af (bij de nieuwere modellen moet je dan de klinknagel uitboren)
      3) tip!: spuit de metalen buis en de binnekant van de handvatten in met siliconenspray - dan glijden de handvatten zo over het metaal.
      4) dopjes terug voor de nieuwe modellen gebuirk een popnagel op de dopje weer terug te doen!

      groetjes de Kinderwagengarage Geantwoord op 25-9-2014 om 19:38

      Waardeer dit antwoord (8) Misbruik melden

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Andere handleiding(en) van Maclaren Techno XT

Maclaren Techno XT Gebruiksaanwijzing - Alle talen - 73 pagina's

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