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2 way active, or bi-amplifi ed system
with mono bass
This application shows how easily a 2 way active system can be imp-
lemented using a Premium 4 channel amplifi er. Channels 1 and 2 will
be used for highs, and channels 3 and 4 for mono bass.
Interconnect cable checklist:
We need to feed the same signal to both sets of channels, so must
use 2 Y-adapters, one to feed the LEFT signal to channels 1 and 3, and
the right signal to channels 2 and 4, as shown.
Mono bass woofer wiring:
Connect the mono speaker positive terminal to the LEFT +, and its
negative terminal to RIGHT -.
Switch setting checklist:
- 1/2CH X-OVER: HI
Crossover frequency control checklist:
Channels 1/2:
Channels 3/4:
- HI PASS: 100 Hz
- HI PASS (subsonic): 20 Hz
- LOW PASS: 100 Hz
Please note that these frequency points are suggestions only. Refer to
the loudspeaker manufacturer specifi cations and the section “Setting
up systems after installation for best performance”
Level control checklist:
Refer to the section “Setting up systems after installation for best
Minimum fi nal loudspeaker impedances:
- 2 ohm per channel in stereo mode
- 4 ohm mono bridged
2 way active, or bi-amplifi ed system
with mono bass, and faded highs/lows
Here we present a variation of the previous system. Since this is a 2
way system, we can use the front outputs from a head unit to drive
the highs, and the rear output to drive the bass This method allows
the listener to easily adjust the relative levels of bass to highs, with
the front to rear fade on the head unit.
Channels 1 and 2 will be used for highs, and channels 3 and 4 for
mono bass.
Interconnect cable checklist:
- Use good quality RCA leads to connect the inputs of the amplifi er
to the source as shown.
- Follow the instructions as per the previous system for switch and
crossover settings.
PAB 4100 4-Channel Amplifi er

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