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Harmony 885 User Manual
Show/Hide the “Starting Activity” message (for additional information, see Selecting an Activity.)
Using the Tilt Sensor
Turn on/off the tilt sensor (for additional information, see
Teaching Infrared (IR) Commands
The Harmony remote can learn infrared commands from other remote controls, and should only be used
in situations where the Harmony remote’s infrared database does not already contain an infrared
command you would like to use.
1. Determine the device you would like to send the infrared command to:
2. From within the Harmony software, click the Devices tab.
3. Click Settings for the device you want.
4. Click Learn infrared commands.
Using the Infrared Sensor
The Harmony remote has an infrared sensor at the end opposite to the USB connector. The Harmony
remote uses this sensor to learn commands from original device remotes.
A: Your original remote
B: Distance between remotes: 5-10 cm (2"-5") apart
C: Your Harmony remote
The following steps outline what happens when you press a button on your original remote control:
1. The infrared sensor on the Harmony remote learns the infrared signal.
2. The Harmony remote uploads it via the USB cable (and your computer’s internet connection) to
the Harmony remote database.
3. The Harmony Remote Software will try to find a matching pattern for the infrared signal.
4. If no pattern is found, the signal will be stored as-is in its original format.
5. If a pattern is found, the Harmony Remote Software converts the signal into a format for
convenient storage.
Either way, the signal is then available for you to assign to a button on your Harmony remote.
Naming an Infrared Command
When you teach an infrared command to the Harmony remote, give the command a name. This way you
can refer to this command by name in various locations of the online setup process. It is best to use the
default names listed on the Learn infrared commands step so that automatic button function assignments
can be applied to your Harmony remote.
If you teach the volume button infrared commands from your original remote control, name them
“VolumeUp” and “VolumeDown” (i.e. with no space, and capitalization as shown). The remote
software looks for commands with these names to automatically assign them to the volume up
and down buttons on the Harmony remote.
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