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Logitech Harmony Touch
step, try plugging in the device again.
1. Ensure that the USB cable is plugged into your computer and into your Harmony Touch. While it will
successfully be able to charge, the Harmony Touch will not be detected when connected to your
computer through the charging cradle.
2. Ensure that you are not connecting through a USB hub. If you are, connect the cable directly to a
computer USB port.
3. Unplug the USB cable from your computer, and plug it in again. Unplug the USB cable from your
Harmony device, and plug it in again.
4. Restart your remote by holding the Off button pressed for 15 seconds
5. Completely close your browser, start your browser again, and return to MyHarmony.
6. Plug the USB cable into a different USB port of your computer.
7. Disable any anti-virus, firewall, or pop-up blocker programs.
8. Restart your computer.
9. Try using a different computer to connect the Harmony device.
Devices do not respond to Harmony Touch
There are a number of reasons why Harmony Touch may not be able to control your devices after setup. The latest
information about solving this problem is available online in the support article Harmony Touch Activity not
Harmony Touch does not charge
The Harmony Touch displays a charging notification on its screen when placed in its charging cradle or connected to
a computer. If you are unable to charge your Harmony Touch:
Verify the cable is firmly connected to the charging cradle, and that the other side is securely connected to
your wall outlet.
Verify that neither side of the connectors or the body of the cable is damaged.
Make sure the contacts on the remote and on the charging cradle are clean and free of any external substance
such as dust.
Restart your remote by holding the Off button pressed for 15 seconds.
Chances are that if you’re having an issue, other people are too. To see what the current support issues are, go to:
http://forums.logitech.com/ and search for “harmony team”. You will see articles posted by Harmony support team
members in chronological order.
Find answers to questions online
Answers to many of your questions can be found either in Logitech’s online knowledge base or in discussions in
Logitech’s user forums.
Logitech Harmony remote knowledge base
The knowledge base is a collection of articles written by our technical support group.
Visit our knowledgebase at http://www.logitech.com/support/universal-remotes.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Logitech Harmony Touch

Logitech Harmony Touch Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 84 pagina's

Logitech Harmony Touch Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 45 pagina's

Logitech Harmony Touch Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 45 pagina's

Logitech Harmony Touch Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch - 84 pagina's

Logitech Harmony Touch Snelstart handleiding - English - 84 pagina's

Logitech Harmony Touch Installatiehandleiding - English - 84 pagina's

Logitech Harmony Touch Snelstart handleiding - Français - 84 pagina's

Logitech Harmony Touch Installatiehandleiding - Français - 84 pagina's

Logitech Harmony Touch Snelstart handleiding - Português, Espanõl - 84 pagina's

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