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4. Setting up activities
After you have nished identifying your devices, you can start setting up your activities.
An activity is something you do with your entertainment system, like watching TV,
listening to music, or playing a game. Your Harmony remote automates activities so
that a single button turns on all thenecessary devices for each activity, and switches
them to the required inputs. Forexample, pressing the Watch a Movie button might
turn on your TV and yourDVDplayer, and switch the TV to the DVD player’s input.
My Harmony prompts you to set up the Watch TV activity, and allows you to set
up other activities (depending on the devices you have added to your account).
Ifyou haven’t added enough devices to support an activity, you won’t be given
anopportunity to add any. When you set up an activity, you choose the devices
thatare involved in the activity, and indicate which devices you use to control which
functions. For example, whenyouset up the Watch TV activity, you pick the device
that changes the channels and the device that controls the volume. If the device has
more than one input, My Harmony asks you which input thedeviceuses. If you’re not
sure, see Determining your inputs on page 10 formore information. You may also
be asked additional questions depending onyourentertainment system.
5. Updating the remote
When you’re nishing adding activities, click Sync to transfer your setup information
to your Harmony One+. After the remote has been updated, the setup process will
prompt you to disconnect the remote from your computer and test your remote
onyour home entertainment system. For specic details about testing your remote,
see Testing your remote on page 12.
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Andere handleiding(en) van Logitech Harmony One plus

Logitech Harmony One plus Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 26 pagina's

Logitech Harmony One plus Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 26 pagina's

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