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© 2006 Logitech. All rights reserved. Logitech, the Logitech logo, and other Logitech marks are owned by Logitech
and may be registered. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Logitech assumes no
responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual. Information contained herein is
subject to change without notice.
© 2006 Logitech. Tous droits réservés. Logitech, le logo Logitech et les autres marques Logitech sont la proprié
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Force Feedback Powered by Immersion® TouchSense™ Technology and Logitech Force Feedback Technology.
Protected by one or more of the Immersion Corporation patents listed in the included Installation Guide.
Logitech patents pending.
Retour de force faisant appel aux technologies Immersion® TouchSense™ et Logitech Force Feedback. Protégé par un
ou plusieurs brevets d'Immersion Corporation, répertoriés dans la documentation utilisateur incluse. Demandes de brevets déposées
par Logitech.
U.S. Patents: 4823634, 4896554, 5184319, 5185561, 5220260, 5235868, 5389865, 5414337, 5459382, B1 5459382, 5482056,
5513100, 5559412, 5576727, 5589854, 5592401, 5623582, 5629594, 5631861, 5676157, 5691898, 5701140, 5721566, 5724264,
5731804, 5734373, 5739811, 5767839, 5769640, 5790108, 5805140, 5821920, 5825308, 5828197, 5831408, 5844392, 5872438,
5880714, 5889670, 5889672, 5907487, 5929607, 5930741, 5929846, 5956484, 5959613, 5999168, 6015473, 6020875, 6020876,
6020967, 6024576, 6028593, 6037927, 6042555, 6046727, 6050718, 6050962, 6057828, 6059506, 6061004, 6067077, 6078308,
6078876, D427635, 6088017, 6088019, 6100874, 6101530, 6104158, 6104379, 6104382, 6106301, 6110130, 6125337, 6125385,
6128006, 6131097, 6134506, 6147674, 6148280, 6154198, 6154201, 6161126, 6162190, 6166723, 6169540, 6184868, 6191774,
6195592, 6201533, 6211861, 6215470, 6219032, 6219033, 6232891, 6243078, 6246390, 6252579, 6252583, 6256011, 6259382,
6271828, 6271833, 6275213 B1, 6278439, 6281651, 6285351, 6288705, 6292170, 5754023, *RE37374, 6292174, 6300936, 6300937,
6300938, 6304091, 6310605, 6317116, 6323837, 6342880, 6343349, 6348911, 6353850, 6353427, 6366272, 6366273, 6374255,
6380925, 6396232, 6400352, 6411276, 6413229, 6424333, 6424356, 6429846, 6428490, 6433771, 6437771, 6448977, 6469692,
6470302, 6486872, 6497672, 6563487, 6564168, 6580417, 6636161, 6636197, 6639581, 6654000, 6661403, 6680729, 6683437,
6686901, 6686911, 6693622, 6693626, 6697043, 6697044, 6697048, 6697748, 6697086, 6703550, 6704001, 6704002, 6704683,
6705871, 6707443, 6715045, 6750877, 6762745, 6781569
Europe: 0843808, 0803114, 0870296, 0804786, 0974889
Australia: 649655, 670311, 671705, 734986, 735467, 762226, 770385
Canada: 2271129, 2139336, 2278726, 2122047, 2167304, 2233206, 2210725, 2075178, 2272379, 2261893, 2287349, 2223289
France: 852770 (EP), 609363 (EP), 00/01312;
Germany: 29923332.4, 29922298.5, P69231634.5 (EP), 69607189 (EP), 29923623.4, 20014425.1, 20021536.1, 20102767.4,
20080209.7, 29923933, 20022244.9, 20180024.1, 20080263.1, 20080275.5, 20200955.6
Italy: 1315182, 852770 (EP), 609363 (EP)
Japan: 3084433, 3085481, 3069791, 2000-008994, 2000-001158, 3290436
Korea: 257172, 258353, 252706
Sweden: 519661
Switzerland: 852770 (EP), 609363 (EP)
Taiwan: UM-108174
United Kingdom: 23449730, 2346455B, 2347990, 2349731, 2346952, 2384613, 2350698B, 2387241B, GB2387218, GB2353116,
609363 (EP), 852770 (EP), 2343499
ENGLISH To change between six-speed and sequential mode, push straight down on shift knob and turn Mode
Selection Dial so the red arrow points to the desired symbol. In sequential mode, the Sequential Mode Status
Light will be on. In six-speed mode, the light will be off.
ESPAÑOL Para pasar del modo de seis velocidades al secuencial, presione hasta el fondo la palanca de cambio y gire el dial de
seleccn de modo hasta que la flecha roja sale el símbolo requerido. En modo secuencial debe estar iluminado el
diodo de estado correspondiente. En modo de seis velocidades el diodo se mantiene apagado.
FRAAIS Pour passer du mode six vitesses en mode séquentiel, poussez le bouton du levier de vitesse à fond et
tournez-le de manière à ce que la flèche rouge indique le symbole souhaité. Si mode séquentiel est activé, le
témoin correspondant s'allume. En mode six vitesses, le témoin est éteint.
PORTUGUÊS Para alternar entre o modo sequencial e de seis velocidades, prima o boo da mudança e gire a Roda de Selecção
de Modo, de modo a que a seta vermelha aponte para o mbolo pretendido. No modo sequencial, a Luz de Estado
do Modo Sequencial será acendida. No modo de seis velocidades, a luz se apagada.
ENGLISH 1. Action Buttons 2. Paddle Shifters 3. Force Feedback Inside 4. Cable Management 5. Hard points for secure mounting
6. Six-speed Shifter 7. Mode Selection Dial 8. Action Buttons 9. D-pad 10. Sequential Mode Status Light 11. Power Status Light
12. Clutch Pedal 13. Brake Pedal 14. Gas Pedal 15. Carpet Grip System 16. Hard points for secure mounting
ESPAÑOL 1. Botones de acción 2. Palancas de cambio 3. Force Feedback 4. Distribución de cables 5. Puntos de montaje de seguridad 6. Palanca de
seis velocidades 7. Dial de selección de modo 8. Botones de acción 9. Mando de dirección 10. Diodo de estado de modo secuencial
11. Diodo alimentación 12. Pedal del embrague 13. Pedal del freno 14. Pedal del acelerador 15. Sistema antideslizante 16. Puntos de
montaje de seguridad
FRAAIS 1. Boutons d’action 2. Leviers de vitesse 3. Technologie de retour de force 4. Système d'agencement des câbles 5. Points de
fixation pour assurer la fiabilité du montage 6. Levier six vitesses 7. Commande du mode de sélection 8. Boutons d’action 9. Croix
directionnelle 10. Témoin d'état du mode séquentiel 11. Témoin d'alimentation 12. Pédale d'embrayage 13. Pédale de frein
14. Pédale d'accélération 15. Système anti-dérapant 16. Points de fixation pour assurer la fiabilité du montage
PORTUGUÊS 1. Botões de acção 2. Alavancas de mudanças 3. Force Feedback no interior 4. Manuseamento do cabo 5. Pontos rijos para uma
montagem segura 6. Mudaa de seis velocidades 7. Roda de selecção de modo 8. Botões de aão 9. Controlador D 10. Luz de estado
do modo sequencial 11. Luz de estado de alimentação 12. Pedal de embraiagem 13. Pedal do travão 14. Pedal do acelerador 15.
Sistema anti-derrapante 16. Pontos rijos para uma montagem segura
ENGLISH Information: For more information regarding your Logitech® gaming device and Logitech® support, consult
the Logitech® “Important Information” document, or visit Logitech® online at www.logitech.com
ESPAÑOL Información: Para obtener más información relativa al dispositivo de juego Logitech® y a la asistencia
ofrecida por Logitech®, consulte el documento de información importante de Logitech® o visite la página
Web de Logitech®, www.logitech.com.
FRAAIS Information: pour plus d’informations relatives à votre dispositif de jeu Logitech® et au support technique
Logitech®, consultez le document intitulé Informations importantes de Logitech® ou visitez le site Web
Logitech® à l’adresse www.logitech.com.
PORTUGUÊS Informações: Para obter informações adicionais sobre o dispositivo de jogo da Logitech® e a assistência da
Logitech®, consulte o documento "Informações Importantes" da Logitech® ou visite a Logitech® online no
endereço www.logitech.com.

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