Pagina terug
Pagina verder
- 76
24p format 48
Access code 41
Adjusting the picture 22
Adjusting the sound 20
Alarm 42
Assist+ 8, 16
Audio adjustment 20
Auro Loewe Preceiver 51
Auto format 22
Automatic dimming 22
Automatic speech detection 21
Automatic time control 54
AV audio signal 21
AV selection 19
Batteries 11
Brightness 22
Button functions 24
CA module 40
Card reader 58
Change favourites lists 29
Add station 29
Delete station 29
Move station 29
Rename list 29
Change station 28
Delete station 28
Move station 28
Rename station 28
Restore station 28
CI slot 40
Code number 41
Coloured buttons 24, 25, 34
Component IN 50
Connecting the antenna 11
Connections 5, 6
Connection wizard 44
Connect network 11
Contrast 22
Control panel 4
Copy protection 56
Data capture 33
Digital audio input 53
Digital Link 56
Digital Link HD 48
Digital Link Plus 54, 56
Digital teletext 36
DVB character ser 25
DVB software 38
DVB subtitles 24
DVD button 64
DVI 48
Encrypted stations 13, 26, 40
13, 16
EPG 32
Factory settings picture/sound 22
Favorites 19
File folder 59
First installation wizard 12
Gaming mode 45
Headphone volume 20
Help 15
Home networking systems 53
Index in the TV set 16
Info Display 15
iPIP 30
Language 12, 17, 61, 66
Language/sound 25
Last station 24
Logical Channel Number 13
Loudness 20
Mains switch 12
Manual station search 27
Maximum volume 21
Memorise 32
Menu operation 15
Mobile phone keypad 15
Move picture vertically 23
MusicBox 60
All albums 61
All titles 61
Artists 61
Browse/sort 61
MusicBox 60
Files 61
Playlist 62
Repeat 63
Select/play music 60
Muting 20
Numeric buttons
15, 16, 18
On-screen displays 43
Overview diagram 17
Page selection 34
Parental lock 41
PC IN 49
Personal text pages 24, 35
PhotoViewer 58
Picture 22
Picture adjustment 22
Picture format 22
Cinema 23
PALplus 23
Panorama 23
Zoom 23
Picture in Picture 30
PIN 41
PIP 30
Play sound via active speakers 51
Play sound via TV speakers and active
subwoofer 51
Programme info 24
RADIO button 58, 64
Radio menu , 37
Radio mode 12, 36
REC button 64
Recording 54
Recording wizard 54
Remote control 3, 11, 64
Repeat initial installation 12
Reset picture/sound 22
Rotating the TV set 57
Safety 9, 10
Satellite system 13
Scope of delivery 7
Search wizard 26
Select station 18
Service 77
Set balance 21
Settings 17
Signal type 45
Slide show 59
Small picture 30
Small PIP 31
Smart card 40
Software update 38
Sound 20
Sound adjustment 20
Sound components wizard 51
Sound effects 20
Sound off 20
Sound-picture synchronisation 20
Sound via 20
Split screen 30, 31
Standard PIP 30
Standby mode 12
Station list 18
Station search/update 26
Status display 25
Storage medium 59
Subtitles 24, 25
Switching off 12
Switching on 12
Switch on volume 21
Switch voltage 17
Teletext 34
Teletext functions 24
Teletext subtitles 24
Time 24
Time and date 43
Timer data 54
Date 54
Recorder 54
Recording time 54
Recording type 54
VPS 54
Timer functions 42
Timer list 55
Timer recordings 54
TOP 34
TV base software 38
TV button 11, 64
TV menu 17
TV set equipment 7
USB stick 38, 58, 60
Video source 19
Videotext subtitles 35
Volume 20
Volume adjustment 21
VPS times 35

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Loewe Connect 32 Media Full-HD+ Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 64 pagina's

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