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19 -
PR: Indicates the programm number (display
Seek: Automatically searches for station. Use
/ to select the “Seek“ option and then press
/ . Searching stops when the DVD recorder
receives a station.
Channel: Changes the channel number. Use
/ to select the “Channel“ option and then
press / .
MFT: Changes the frequency to ne-tuning. Use
/ to select the “Fine“ option and then
press / .
PAL/SECAM (with Centros 1172): Changes the
receiver standard. If there is interference with
the image, use / to select the “PAL/SE-
CAM“ option and then use / to select
“SECAM“ for the SECAM-L standard.
Then press OK to con rm the settings and return
to the “Program list“ menu.
Note: If the DVD recorder has got the station from
a Loewe television via Digital Link Plus (DLP), the
“Edit programme“, “Move“ and “Delete“ func-
tions are blocked and can only be used once more
when the station is overwritten again by automatic
Renaming stations
You can give whatever name you like to a station.
Names should have a maximum of ve characters.
Use / to select a programme in the
“Programme list“ and press OK. The options are
displayed on the left-hand side of the “Pro-
gramme list“ menu.
Use / to select the “Rename station“
option, and press OK. The “Keypad“ menu is
01 3456789
Upper case letter
Enter a name for the station. Use  to
select a character and press OK.
Upper case letter: Switches the keypad so
that only upper case is used.
Lower case letter: Switches the keypad so
that only lower case is used.
Symbols: Switches the keypad to symbol
ABC...123: Inserts the corresponding character
at the cursor position.
OK: Select this option to end and save.
Cancel: Select this option to close the menu.
Any changes made will be discarded.
Space: Inserts a space at the cursor position.
Delete: Deletes the character to the left of the
cursor position.
/ : Moves the cursor to the left or right.
Note: Remote control buttons for keying in a
name (all selections must be con rmed using the
remote control‘s OK button).
: Inserts a space at the cursor position.
: Deletes the character to the right of the
cursor position.
: Deletes the character to the left of the
cursor position.
P+ / P-: Moves the cursor to the left or right.
TEXT, INFO: Toggles the keypad between upper
case, lower case and symbols.
Then press OK to con rm the settings and return
to the “Program list“ menu.
Moving programmes
You can sort the programme positions in the “Pro-
gramme list“ menu.
Use / to select a programme in the
“Programme list“ and press OK. The options are
displayed on the left-hand side of the “Pro-
gramme list“ menu.
Use / to select the “Move“ option, and
press OK.
Use / to select the position you require.
Then press OK or
again in the pro-
gramme list to change.
Deleting a programme
You can delete a programme from the “Programme
list“ menu.
Use / to select a programme in the “Pro-
gramme list“ and press OK.
Use / to select the “Delete“ option, and
press OK. The programme is deleted.
Decoder on/off
Use / to select the programme that you
wish to reroute via the decoder and press OK.
The options are displayed on the left-hand side
of the “Programme list“ menu.
Use / to select the „Decoder on/off“
option, and press OK. When you select “on“,
“Decoder“ appears under the program shown in
the small picture.
Initial Installation
32122 DVD Rec_Centros_GB.indb 19 32122 DVD Rec_Centros_GB.indb 19 26.04.2005 11:23:1826.04.2005 11:23:18

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Andere handleiding(en) van Loewe Centros 1102

Loewe Centros 1102 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 70 pagina's

Loewe Centros 1102 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 70 pagina's

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