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Disc-related Terms
Title (DVD only)
A title is the main lm content or the content of
the accompanying feature or the music album.
Each title has a title number enabling you to locate
it easily.
Chapter (DVD only)
Chapters are sections of a lm or a piece of music
that are smaller than a title. A title consists of one
or several chapters. Each chapter has a chap-
ter number to enable you to locate the desired
chapter. Depending on the disc, chapters may not
be labeled.
Track (Video CD or Audio CD only)
Sections of a lm or a piece of music on a Video CD
or an Audio CD. Each track has a track number to
enable you to nd the desired track.
On a Video CD with PBC (Playback Control) func-
tions, moving pictures and still pictures are divided
into sections that are called “scenes“. Each scene
is displayed in the scene menu and has a scene
number to enable you to nd the scene quickly. A
scene consists of one or more tracks.
Types of Video CDs
There are two types of Video CDs:
Video CDs equipped with PBC
(Version 2.0)
PBC (Playback Control) functions enable you to in-
teract with the system via menus, search functions
or other typical computer operations. In addition
high-resolution still pictures can be displayed if
they are available on the disc.
Video CDs not equipped with PBC
(Version 1.1)
These discs are operated in the same way as Audio
CDs and allow playback of video pictures and
sound. They are not however equipped with PBC.
The symbol on the screen
During operation “
” may appear on the screen.
This symbol means that the desired function is not
currently available on this disc.
Disc symbols in the operating instructions
If part of the operating instructions contains one
of the symbols listed below, the section is only ap-
plicable to the disc shown on the symbol.
Many functions of this recorder are dependent
on the selected recording quality. One or more of
the symbols (DVD, Video, +RW, MP3) are dis-
played for each function described in the manual
so that you can immediately see whether the disc
supports this function.
Video DVD-R/RW disc with VR recording mode
DVD-RW disc with VR recording mode
+R DVD+R disc
+RW DVD+RW disc
DVD DVD-Video disc
VCD Video CD
CD Audio CD
The nalized DVD disc is a DVD-Video disc.
DVD-R and DVD-RW discs
How are DVD-R and DVD-RW discs
The essential difference between a DVD-R and a
DVD-RW disc is the fact that a DVD-R disc can only
be written to once, whilst a DVD-RW disc can be
written to several times. In addition, its content can
be deleted. You can write to and delete a DVD-RW
disc approx. 1000 times.
Playback of writable discs on normal
DVD players
DVD-R discs and DVD-RW discs written to in Video
mode can be played on some normal DVD players.
They must however be nalized rst. This process
xes the content of the disc so that it can be read
by other DVD players as a DVD-Video disc.
Essential Information
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Andere handleiding(en) van Loewe Centros 1102

Loewe Centros 1102 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 70 pagina's

Loewe Centros 1102 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 70 pagina's

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