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Location of indoor unit
Good ventilation, less dust, far from direct rain and sunshine.
Avoid places close to inflammable gas leakage.
Keep the air inlet and outlet at a far distance from the blockage.
Keep the height distance between the indoor and outdoor unit at most 5m.
Mount on the wall solid enough to bear the weight of the unit and not cause any shake.
Avoid direct sunshine.
A place easy for condensate drain and easy for connecting with the outdoor unit.
Keep a far distance away from the fluorescent lamp, it may influence the operation of remote controller.
Location of outdoor unit
Keep at least 1m away from the TV radio and other home appliances.
A place where the air discharged out of the outdoor unit or the operation noise will not annoy your
No blockage near the outdoor unit.
Securing the mounting plate and drill on the wall
Secure the mounting plate
The mounting plate should be attached to the structural part of wall (post etc).
fasten string at the central hole
105mm or more
from sidewall
155mm or more
at least 250mm
from sidewall
Tapping screw
ST4× 25(5)
mounting plate
The holes at solid arrow position must be secured to avoid the shake of mounting plate.
When the expansion bolts are used, two holes ( 11× 20 or 11× 26 ) that the distance
between them is 450mm should be adopted.
Drill on the wall
Center of hole(? 65mm)
Confirm the position of holes, and drill holes on the wall.
Avoid places close to inflammable gas leakage.
Fasten string at the central hole
105mm or more
from sidewall
455mm or more
at least 250mm
from sidewall
Tapping screw
ST4× 25(5)
mounting plate
fasten string at the central hole
Center of hole(? 65mm)
A place for firm location of the unit, solid enough to bear the weight of the unit and not cause any shake.
at least 250mm

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Andere handleiding(en) van Lloyd LS9A3P

Lloyd LS9A3P Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 19 pagina's

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