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Tool required / Outil Requis /
Herramienta Requeridas
Ages: 2 years & up
Please save sales receipt for proof of purchase.
Keep these instructions for future reference.
Prior to assembly, this package contains small parts:
hardware which is a choking hazard and may contain
sharp edges and sharp points. Keep away from children
until assembled.
Adult supervision required. Do not leave children
This product is intended for outdoor domestic family use
This product is intended for use by children ages 2 years
and up.
Use this product on a rm, level surface and avoid using
near swimming pools, on or near steps, hills or inclines.
Do not allow children to sit, stand play or climb on the
top of surface. Failure to do so may cause the product to
become unstable.
Intended for use with the supplied accessories only.
Never ll with anything except clean tap water. Use of
other liquids may be harmful or damage the unit. Never ll
with sand or dirt.
Do not store or leave water in product when not in use.
Disassemble and dispose of equipment in such a manner
that no hazardous conditions such as, but not limited to,
small parts and sharp edges exist at the time equipment is
United States:
1-800-321-0183 Monday - Friday
The Little Tikes Company
2180 Barlow Road
Hudson, OH 44236
E-mail: service@littletikescare.com
United Kingdom:
Little Tikes, MGA Entertainment (UK) Ltd
50 Presley Way
Milton Keynes MK8 0ES
Bucks, UK
Tel: +0 800 521 558
E-mail: support@LittleTikesStore.co.uk
MINIMUM SIZE allowed is .2” high
Updated 12.2.11 per Paul Madan (new spacing)
Printed in U.S.A. D.R.©2014 The Little Tikes Company
© The Little Tikes Company, an MGA Entertainment company. LITTLE TIKES® is a trademark of Little Tikes
in the U.S. and other countries. All logos, names, characters, likenesses, images, slogans, and packaging
appearance are the property of Little Tikes. Please keep this address and packaging for reference since
it contains important information. Contents, including specications and colors, may vary from photos
depicted on package. Instructions included. Please remove all packaging including tags, ties & tacking
stitches before giving this product to a child.
Adult assembly required /
Le montage devra être
effectué par un adulte /
Debe ser armado por un adulto
Look for video of assembly at
3/4" Screw
Vis de 1.9 cm (3/4 po)
Tornillo de 1.9 cm (3/4")
Q x8
G. Funnel Spinner
Dispositif de rotation
de l'entonnoir
Pieza giratoria del embudo
H. Table Spinner
Dispositif de rotation
de la table
Disco giratorio de la mesa
I. Funnel / Entonnoir /
J. Funnel Support
Support d'entonnoir
Soporte del embudo
K. Ferris Wheel
Support de grande roue
Soporte de la rueda
de la fortuna
L. Ferris Wheel Cups (4)
Coupelles de grande roue (4)
Tazas de la rueda de
la fortuna (4)
M. Drain Plug
Bouchon de vidange
Tapón de desagüe
N. Ferris Wheel Crank
Manivelle de grande roue
Manija de la rueda de
la fortuna
O. Cup / Coupelle / Taza
P. Squirters (5)
Gicleurs (5)
Animalitos que arrojan
agua (5) 4
A. Table top
Plateau de la table
B. Water Spiral half
Moitié de spirale à eau
Mitad de espiral de agua
C. Water Spiral half with
Moitié de spirale à eau avec
Mitad de espiral de agua con
D. Table Legs (3)
Pieds de la table (3)
Patas de la mesa (3)
E. Spiral Top
Haut de la spirale
Parte superior de la espiral
F. Ferris Wheel
Grande roue
Rueda de la fortuna
Parts List / Liste des Pieces / Lista de Partes
Close drain plug cover.
Fermez le capuchon du bouchon de vidange.
Cierre la tapa del tapón de desagüe.
Flip water table over. Insert table legs (D) x3, as shown. Snap into place.
Retournez la table aquatique. Insérez les pieds de table (D) x3, comme indiqué.
Emboîtez-les en place.
Dé vuelta la mesa de agua. Inserte las 3 patas de la mesa (D) tal y como se
muestra. Encájelas en su lugar.
Slide water spiral half with opening (C) up under spiral
top (E).
Faites coulisser la moitié de spirale à eau avec ouverture (C)
vers le haut sous le haut de la spirale (E).
Deslice la mitad de espiral de agua con abertura (C) debajo de
la parte superior de la espiral (E).
Be sure indent on spiral half ts to notch on
spiral top as shown.
Assurez-vous que le renfoncement de la moitié
de spirale s'adapte sur le cran carré situé sur le
haut de la spirale, comme indiqué.
Asegúrese que la entalladura en la mitad de la
espiral encaje en la muesca cuadrada de la parte
superior de la espiral tal y como se muestra.
While holding spiral half and spiral top, t spiral half (B)
as shown.
Tout en tenant la moitié de spirale et le haut de la spirale,
adaptez la moitié de spirale (B) comme indiqué.
Mientras sostiene la mitad y parte superior de la espiral
encaje la otra mitad (B) tal y como se muestra.
The Little Tikes Company makes fun, high quality toys. We warrant to the original purchaser that this
product is free of defects in materials or workmanship for one year * from the date of purchase (dated
sales receipt is required for proof of purchase). At the sole election of The Little Tikes Company, the only
remedies available under this warranty will be the replacement of the defective part or replacement
of the product. This warranty is valid only if the product has been assembled and maintained per the
instructions. This warranty does not cover abuse, accident, cosmetic issues such as fading or scratches
from normal wear, or any other cause not arising from defects in material and workmanship. *The
warranty period is three (3) months for daycare or commercial purchasers.
U.S.A and Canada: For warranty service or replacement part information, please visit our website at
www.littletikes.com, call 1-800-321-0183 or write to: Consumer Service, The Little Tikes Company, 2180
Barlow Road, Hudson OH 44236, U.S.A. Some replacement parts may be available for purchase after
warranty expires—contact us for details.
Outside U.S.A and Canada: Contact place of purchase for warranty service. This warranty gives you
specic legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from country/state to country/state.
Some countries/states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages,
so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
Please keep this manual as it contains important information.
Ages: 2 ans et plus
Prière de conserver le reçu comme preuve d’achat.
Conserver ces instructions à titre de référence.
Avant l’assemblage du produit, ce paquet contient des
petites pièces de matériel qui peuvent présenter un risque
d’étouement, et des bords et des arrondis tranchants.
Tenir hors de pore des enfants avant l’assemblage
La surveillance par un adulte est recommandée. Ne laisser
jamais un enfant sans surveillance.
Ce produit n’est conçu que pour une utilisation
domestique et familiale, à l’extérieur.
Ce produit est destiné à des enfants de 2 ans et plus.
Visit our website at
to register your product online and
to enter our sweepstakes.
(No purchase necessary)
XIM620300-1R3 - 5/18
Insert drain plug (M) into opening.
Insérez le bouchon de vidange (M) dans l'ouverture.
Inserte el tapón de desagüe (M) en la abertura.
drain plug
bouchon de vidange
tapón de desagüe
Push drain plug through
Enfoncez le bouchon de
vidange dans l'ouverture.
Empuje el tapón de desagüe
por la abertura.
Work the plug around the opening pulling only the plug edge through.
Passez le bouchon sur le pourtour de l'ouverture en ne tirant que le bord du bouchon au travers
de celle-ci.
Continúe tirando del tapón hasta que sólo pase el borde por la abertura.
Plug edge should be
completely pulled
Le bord du bouchon doit
passer en entier dans
El borde del tapón
debe haber pasado por
OR /
OU / O

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Andere handleiding(en) van Little tikes 620300M Water table

Little tikes 620300M Water table Gebruiksaanwijzing - English, Français, Espanõl - 2 pagina's

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