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Please keep this manual as it contains important information.
‘Let’s care for the environment!’
The wheelie bin symbol indicates that the product must not be disposed of with other household waste. Please use designated collection points or recycling facilities when disposing of the item.
Do not treat old batteries as household waste. Take them to a designated recycling facility.
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by
one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
technician for help.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired
Place ball launcher onto the base of the frame.
Tie net tightly from underneath.
1717 1818
Baseball Trainer must be
staked into the ground in 3
locations shown.
Frame reduced to minimum length. Frame extended to maximum length.
On / Off switch is
located at bottom of
the ball launcher.
Shoots balls continuously
for 5 minutes then shuts off.
To replace batteries,
open battery
compartment located
at bottom of ball
Replace using
4 "D" (LR20)
alkaline batteries.
batteries may be
United States:
Monday - Friday
The Little Tikes Company
2180 Barlow Road
Hudson, OH 44236
Printed in China. D.R.©2010 The Little Tikes Company
© The Little Tikes Company, an MGA Entertainment company. LITTLE TIKES®
is a trademark of Little Tikes in the U.S. and other countries. All logos, names,
characters, likenesses, images, slogans, and packaging appearance are the
property of Little Tikes. Please keep this address and packaging for reference
since it contains important information. Contents, including specifi cations and
colors, may vary from photos depicted on package. Instructions included.
Please remove all packaging including tags, ties & tacking stitches before giving
this product to a child.
Battery Replacement
Feed ball launcher
through opening in net.
Baseball Trainer must be staked. Operation
Rotate ball
Rotate ball
Select position of
Baseball Trainer
- for higher loft
The Little Tikes Company makes fun, high quality toys. We warrant to the original
purchaser that this product is free of defects in materials or workmanship for
one year * from the date of purchase (dated sales receipt is required for proof of
purchase). At the sole election of The Little Tikes Company, the only remedies
available under this warranty will be either replacement of the defective part of
the product or refund the purchase price of the product. This warranty is valid
only if the product has been assembled and maintained per the instructions.
This warranty does not cover abuse, accident, cosmetic issues such as fading
or scratches from normal wear, or any other cause not arising from defects in
material and workmanship.
U.S.A and Canada: For warranty service or replacement part information,
please visit our website at www.littletikes.com, call 1-800-321-0183 or write
to: Consumer Service, The Little Tikes Company, 2180 Barlow Road, Hudson,
OH 44236, U.S.A. Some replacement parts may be available for purchase after
warranty expires—contact us for details.
Outside U.S.A and Canada: Contact place of purchase for warranty service.
This warranty gives you specifi c legal rights, and you may also have other
rights, which vary from country/state to country/state. Some countries/states
do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages,
so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. *The warranty period
is three (3) months for daycare or commercial purchasers.
Shoots 3 balls then shuts off.
Start button
Select the position of ball
launcherand set frame accordingly.
Load balls into launcher.
Choose ball launch setting.
Push the Start button.
- Once you hear 7 beeps, balls will
immediately begin to launch.
If no balls are detected in the ball
launcher, 10 seconds will lapse and
ball launch motor will automatically
shut off to conserve battery life.
Select position of
Baseball Trainer
- for lower loft

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