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NOTE: Please keep this instruction manual, it contains important information.
This product is covered by our 1-year warranty. For any claim under the warranty or after sale
service, please contact your distributor and present a valid proof of purchase. Our warranty
covers any manufacturing material and workmanship defect, with the exception of any
deterioration arising from the non-observance of the instruction manual or from any careless
action implemented on this item (such as dismantling, exposition to heat and humidity, etc.). It is
recommended to keep the packaging for any further reference.
In a bid to keep improving our services, we could implement modication on the colours and the
details of the product shown on the packaging.
Reference: MFC110GB
Designed and developed in Europe Made in China, Zhongshan
Lexibook UK Ltd,
Wimbledon Village Business Centre,
Thornton House, Thornton Road,
Wimbledon, London SW19 4NG
For any further information, please call Helpline 0808 1003015
Environmental Protection
Unwanted electrical appliances can be recycled and should not be discarded along with regular household waste! Please
actively support the conservation of resources and help protect the environment by returning this appliance to a collection
centre (if available).
IM code: MFC110GBIM0299
To prevent re or shock hazard, disconnect your unit from the AC power source when cleaning.
The nish on your unit may be cleaned with a dust cloth and cared for as other furniture. Use
a soft, clean cloth moistened with plain, lukewarm water to clean the exterior of the unit. Use
caution when cleaning and wiping the plastic parts. Mild soap and a damp cloth may be used
on the front panel.
LCD Care
LCD screens are delicate devices that need careful handling. To avoid damage to the display
panel, please pay attention to the following precautions:
Do not slam the display when closing it.
Do not place any object on top of the display when it is closed or open.
Make sure the system is turned off before you close the display panel.
When you are not using the computer, keep the LCD screen closed to protect it from dust.
If you need to clean your LCD screen, use a soft tissue to gently wipe the LCD surface.
Do not put your ngers or sharp objects directly on the surface and never spray cleaner directly
onto the display.
Do not press on, or store any objects on the cover when it is closed. Doing so may cause the
LCD to break.

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