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5.2 Inserting a memory card (not included)
This memory can be extended with a micro SD memory card (not included).
Follow the instructions below to insert the optional micro SD memory card into the camera.
1. Turn off the camera first.
2. Open the battery door.
3. Insert the micro SD card into the camera.
Note: There is only one right direction to insert the micro SD memory card into the slot. Do not
force the card into the memory card-slot, it may damage both the camera and the micro SD
memory card.
Note: The micro SD memory card must be formatted before taking photographs. See the
following sections for more information.
5.3 Formatting the micro SD card
1. Press the menu button ( ) in PHOTO or VIDEO mode.
2. Select the setup mode by press the right button.
3. Select the format icon by press the W( ) button and press the SHUTTER button to
4. Select SD card and confirm with the SHUTTER button.
5.4 Setting the resolution
The camera can be set to different resolutions.
1. Press the menu button ( ) in PHOTO mode, select the resolutions icon by W ( ) key and
press the SHUTTER to confirm.
Resolutions: VGA (640 x 480), 1.3M (1280 x 960), 3M (2048 x 1536),
5M (2560 x 1920), 8M (3264x2448), 12M (4032 x 3024)
2. Six different resolutions will be displayed. Select the desired resolution by using the up or
down buttons and press the SHUTTER button to confirm the selection.
5.5 Taking photographs
1. Turn on the camera.
2. Depending on the distance to the object being photographed, use macro switch to adjust
the distance. Select the flower symbol ( ) if you wish to take a close-up photograph
(11cm –18 cm).
If you wish to take a video or a photograph of surroundings or people (0.5m – infinity), set the
macro switch to normal mode ( ).
3. If you are not sure if there is enough lighting, turn on the automatic flash( ) by pressing the
flash button. (If the battery power is too low, the flash won’t be activated).
4. Use the LCD screen to aim the object you wish to take photograph.
Face detection function will be activated automatically if you take pictures of persons.
5. Press SHUTTER button and wait until the LCD display turn on again.
6. If ‘SMILE’ detection is ON, shutter will be activate automatically once a smile face is
Caution: 1) Taking picture for fast-moving object is not recommended.
2) Image may be distorted when taking picture in a moving vehicle.
5.6 Zoom in and out
The camera can zoom in up to 8 times.
Zoom in or out by pressing the up or down button, a number will appear on the display, 8.x is the
maximum zoom ratio.
5.7 Self-timer setting
You can use the self-timer function when you take a photograph of yourself or when you take a
photograph without flash of an object. To avoid shaking of the camera a tripod is recommended.
1. Set the camera to photo mode.
2. Press the MENU button ( ). The menu will appear.
3. Press the W( ) button to select Capture Mode and confirm by pressing the SHUTTER
4. Press the W( ) button to set the delay time: 10S Timer.
5. Press the SHUTTER button to confirm. The self-timer function is now ready for use.
6. Aim at the object you wish to take photo.
7. Press the SHUTTER button to take a photograph.
8. The photo will be taken after the timer reaches the delay time of 10 seconds. The camera will
beep during the delay time.
5.8 Recording video clips
1. Press the MODE button to select the video clip mode ( ).
2. For setting the resolution, Press MENU ( ) button and select Resolution, then press the
SHUTTER button to confirm. Two resolutions will be displayed.
VGA (640 x 480), QVGA ( 320 x 240).
3. Press the SHUTTER button to start recording video, press the SHUTTER button again to stop
recording. The video clip will now be saved as an AVI file in the camera memory.
5.9 Playback photographs
1. Press the( ) button to get into playback mode.
2. The last picture or video clip taken will be displayed. Use the left or right buttons to flip
through the pictures or videos
3. In full screen display, press the T( ) button to zoom in the photo.
4. To view images in thumbnail, press the W( ) button.
5. To shift the image in zoom-in mode, press the SHUTTER button then use the
up/down/left/right buttons.
6. Press the MENU ( ) button in Playback mode, press again and hold MENU button until the
menu options displayed. Select SLIDE SHOW and select the desired slide show time. Press
the SHUTTER button to confirm. The pictures saved in your camera or your micro SD card
will be displayed in sequence automatically. To stop slide show, press SHUTTER button
5.10 Playback video clips
1. When video clips are displayed, press the SHUTTER button to start playing the video and
press the SHUTTER button again to pause the playback.
2. Press right button to fast forward or press left button to rewind.
3. Press the down button to stop.
4. Press the mode button to exit.
5.11 Delete photographs and video clips
You can delete a single photograph / video clip, or delete all the photographs / video clips in the
Follow the instructions below to delete photograph.
1. Press the ( ) button to enter the playback mode.
2. Press left or right button to select photograph/video clip to be delete.
3. Press the MENU/delete button and select “Delete This Image(Video)” or “All” .
4. Press the SHUTTER button, then select OK to confirm.
5. Press the mode button to exit.
NOTE: Select “All” and Press the SHUTTER button to confirm, all the pictures and videos will be
6. Connecting to a PC
The unit can be connected to the computer as mass storage device and transfer photo/video files
for storage.
7. Specifications
Mega pixel CMOS sensor
12.0 Mega pixels: (4032x3024)
8.0 Mega pixels: (3264x2448)
5.0 Mega pixels: (2560x1920)
3.0 Mega pixels: (2048x1536)
1.3 Mega pixels: (1280x960)
Image resolution
VGA: (640x480)
F/2.8 f
Focus range
0.5m. ~ Infinity
Macro mode
Digital zoom 8x
Flash strobe Built-in ( Auto / force / off )
LCD display
TFT color display
White balance
with micro SD card
External memory card Supports SD cards up to 8GB
File format
Picture: JPEG, Video: AVI
Self tim
PC interface USB 2.0
Power source 2xAAA alkaline batteries
8. System requirement
Operating system
Windows XP / Vista or above
Mac 9.x or X.x
Pentium II
or above
At least
USB port
4x speed CD ROM or abov
9. Troubleshooting
Problem Cause Solution
Cannot turn on the
Low battery power.
Battery placed at wrong
Replace or install the battery
Photos can not be saved
when taking pictures.
The memory built-in
memory hasn’t been
formatted properly.
Format the memory in setup
mode of the camera. Please
refer to section 5.3.
Cannot find removable
disk after connecting the
camera to the computer.
Connection failure. Make sure all cable
connections are secured and
restart the computer if
Flash does not work. Battery power is too low. Replace with new 2xAAA
alkaline batteries.
The batteries used up
very fast.
Incorrect or old, used up,
Replace with new 2xAAA
alkaline batteries.
The photos are blurry 1. The camera is not held
2. The lens of camera is
1. Hold the camera steadily
until it beeps when taking
video photo.
2. Clean the lens with soft dry
List of accessories:
Camera 1x User manual 1x Handstrap 1x USB cable 1x Pouch 1x

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Andere handleiding(en) van Lenco DC-521

Lenco DC-521 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Lenco DC-521 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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