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Lava warranty certificate
Limited warranty:
LAVA international Ltd. (LAVA) provides limited warranty for your
mobile phone and original accessories delivered with your mobile
phone (hereinafter referred to as “product”)
The warranty period for the transceiver is one (1) year and for battery,
charger and headset is six (6) months from the date of purchase.
LAVA Warranty
Subject to the conditions of this Limited Warranty, LAVA warrants a
product to be free from defects in design, material and workmanship at
the time of its original purchase by you, and for a subsequent period of
one (1) year for transceiver and six (6) months for battery & charger.
You shall have to coverage or benefits under this warranty in the event
that any of the following conditions are applicable:
• The product has been subjected to abnormal use or conditions,
improper storage, exposure to 1.excessive moisture or dampness,
exposure to excessive temperature, unauthorized modification,
unauthorized repair (including but not limited to use of unauthorized
spare parts in repairs),abuse, accidents, Acts of God, spills of food or
liquids, improper installation
• You have not notified Lava of the defect in the product during the
applicable warranty period.
• The product serial no. code or the accessories date code has been
removed, defaced or altered.
• The product has been used with or connected to an accessory (i) Not
supplied by Lava or its affiliates, (ii) Not fit for use with the product or
(iii) Used otherwise than in manner intended.
• The seals of the product’s battery enclosure have been broken or
shown evidence of tempering or the product’s battery has been used
in equipment other than that for which it has been specified usable by
All plastic surfaces and all other externally exposed part that is
scratched or damaged due to normal use.
To get maximum of your new product, we recommend you to:
Read the guidelines for safe and efficient use as mentioned in the
Read the terms and conditions of your Lava warranty in the manual.
Keep your original receipt; you will need it for warranty services if
asked to produce.
Present this Lava Warranty Certificate along with original proof of
purchase whenever you require any warranty services.
In case Lava product needs service, please visit the nearest Lava
service centers given in the service guide. Please visit our Website

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