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LANCOM, LANCOM Systems and LCOS are registered trademarks. All other names or descriptions used may be trademarks or registered
trademarks of their owners. Subject to change without notice. No liability for technical errors and/or omissions. 111654/0218
Quick Reference Guide
*) The additional power LED statuses are displayed in 5-seconds
rotation if the device is congured to be managed by the LANCOM
Management Cloud.
Please observe the following when setting up the device
A The mains plug of the device must be freely accessible.
A For devices to be operated on the desktop, please attach the adhesive rubber
A Do not rest any objects on top of the device and do not stack multiple devices.
A Keep the ventilation slots on the side of the device clear of obstruction.
A Mount the device into a 19” unit in a server cabinet using the provided screws and mounting brackets.
Pay attention to the “R” and “L” marks on the brackets for accurate mounting.
a db c
Off VPN connection inactive
Green, permanently VPN connection active
Green, ashing VPN connecting
Off Device switched off
Green, permanently* Device operational, resp. device paired /
claimed and LANCOM Management Cloud
(LMC) accessible
Green / red, blinking No password set. Without a password
the conguration data in the device is
Red, blinking Charge or time limit reached
1x green inverse
Connection to the LMC active, pairing OK,
device not claimed
2x green inverse
Pairing error, resp. LMC activation code
not available
3x green inverse
LMC not accessible, resp. communication
d ETH 1 - ETH 4
Green, orange off No networking device connected
Green, permanently Connection to network device operational,
no data trafc
Green, ickering Data transmission
Orange off 1000 Mbps
Orange, permanently 10 / 100 Mbps
c WAN 1 / WAN 2
Green, orange off No networking device connected
Green, permanently Connection to network device operational,
no data trafc
Green, ickering Data transmission
Orange off 1000 Mbps
Orange, permanently 10 / 100 Mbps
Reset button short press > Restart the device
long press > Reset the device
Power supply Internal power supply unit (100–240 V, 50-60 Hz)
Power consumption Max. 18 W
Environment Temperature range 0–40 °C, humidity 0–95 %; non-condensing
Housing Robust metal housing, 1 HU with mounting brackets for 19“ installation,
345 x 44 x 253 mm (W x H x D)
Number of fans None; fanless design, no rotating parts, high MTBF
WAN 1 / WAN 2 WAN 1 SFP: Compatible with optional LANCOM SFP modules. Set as a WAN port ex-factory,
can be congured as a LAN port.
WAN 1 / WAN 2 TP: 10 / 100 / 1000 Base-TX, autosensing full duplex (WAN 1) / autosensing
(WAN 2), auto node hub
ETH1 - ETH 4 4 individual ports, 10 / 100 / 1000 Mbps Gigabit Ethernet, by default set to switch mode.
Up to 3 ports can be operated as additional WAN ports. Ethernet ports can be electrically
disabled in the LCOS conguration.
Cong (Com) / V.24 Serial conguration interface / COM-port: 9,600 - 115,200 baud
USB USB 2.0 hi-speed host port for connecting USB printers (USB print server), serial devices (COM-
port server) or USB drives (FAT le system)
WAN protocols
Ethernet PPPoE, Multi-PPPoE, ML-PPP, PPTP (PAC or PNS) and IPoE (with or without DHCP), RIP-1, RIP-
2, VLAN, GRE, EoGRE, L2TPv2 (LAC or LNS), IPv6 over PPP (IPv6 and
IPv4/IPv6 dual stack session), IP(v6)oE (autoconguration, DHCPv6 or static)
Declaration of Conformity
Hereby, LANCOM Systems declares that this device is in compliance with Directives 2014/30/EU and 2014/35/EU.
The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address:
Package content
Documentation Quick Reference Guide (DE/EN), Installation Guide (DE/EN)
Cables 1 Ethernet cable, 3 m (kiwi colored connectors); 1 Ethernet cable, 3 m (green connectors);
1 IEC power cord 230 V (not for WW devices)
Mounting brackets Two 19” brackets for rack mounting
WAN 1 interfaces (SFP / TP combo port)
Insert a suitable SFP module (e.g. 1000Base-SX or 1000Base-LX)
into the SFP port. Choose a cable compatible with the SFP module
and connect it as described in the module’s documentation. SFP
modulel and cable are not included.
If desired, alternatively connect the WAN 1 TP interface to a WAN
modem using the provided Ethernet cable with green connectors.
WAN 2 interface (TP)
Connect the WAN 2 interface to a WAN modem using the provided
Ethernet cable with green connectors.
Ethernet interface
Use the cable with the kiwi-colored connectors to connect one of
the interfaces ETH 1 to ETH 4 to your PC or a LAN switch.
Conguration interface
Use the included serial conguration cable to connect the serial
interface (COM) to the serial interface of the device you want to
use for conguring / monitoring.
USB interface
You can use the USB interface to connect a USB printer or a
USB storage device.
Power connector and grounding point (device back side)
Supply power to the device via the power connector. Please
use the IEC power cable supplied (separately available for WW
ATTENTION: High touch current possible! Connect to earth
before connecting the power supply.
Warning! High touch current.
Connect to earth before
connecting the power supply.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Lancom 1900EF

Lancom 1900EF Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch - 18 pagina's

Lancom 1900EF Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 1 pagina's

Lancom 1900EF Installatiehandleiding - English - 18 pagina's

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