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Thank you for purchasing a LANAFORM Lumi-
no Plus. This appliance will help you combat
fatigue, apathy and the lack of energy that
we often have in autumn and in winter when
it is grey outside and the days are getting
shorter. These symptoms express what is
termed the winter blues.
Lumino Plus is based on the use of a very bright
light which simulates the natural rays of the
sun. The light produced by Lumino Plus nat-
urally re-establishes the light signals that are
essential for feeling good and full of energy.
Thanks to its technology and a higher dif-
fusion of light (about  LUX at cm)*,
Lumino Plus will quickly give you your energy
and vitality back.
You can use Lumino Plus while doing other
activities, such as reading, writing, using the
telephone, and even professional activities.
* More than  LUX at a distance of  cm when the  tubes
are lit. In this respect, please refer to the instructions for use.
Light and its intensity have a major inuence
on the body’s vital processes. During the
autumn and winter seasons, there is less sun-
shine. The conventional articial lighting
in buildings is not able to oset this decit
in natural light. The consequences of this
decrease in luminosity can result in a lack of
drive and energy, insomnia or melancholy,
problems in concentrating and diculties
getting up in the morning. We refer to all
of these symptoms as a whole using the
expression “seasonal aective disorder or
winter blues”.
Many health professionals agree that expo-
sure to luminosity is benecial in treating
the winter blues. By luminosity, they mean
daylight with a certain intensity. In winter, the
lighting intensity may not exceed  LUX*,
while in summer it can reach  LUX on
a nice summer day.
LANAFORM has therefore developed this
special lighting device that allows you to
benet from the amount of light you need
to chase the winter blues away.
Exposure to light consists in using light with
a high lux* coecient in order to simulate
natural light from the sun. With regular ex-
posure to light with a high lux coecient
over a given period of time, the symptoms
of the winter blues can be greatly reduced,
and even disappear.
* The lux is the unit of measurement for the luminance of light.
Please read all the
instructions before using your
product, particularly these
basic safety instructions.
The photographs and other
images of the product in this manual
and on the packaging are as accurate
as possible, but do not claim to be a
perfect reproduction of the product.
Only use this appliance for the purposes
described in this manual.
This appliance is not intended for use by per-
sons (including children) whose physical, sen-
sorial or mental capabilities are impaired, or
by persons lacking experience or knowledge,
unless they are supervised or instructed in
the use of the appliance rst by a person
responsible for their safety. Children should
be supervised to ensure that they do not play
with the appliance.
Before connecting the appliance, check that
the voltage indicated on the appliance corre-
sponds to the mains supply voltage.
Please do not use accessories which are not
recommended by LANAFORM or which are
not supplied with this appliance.
It is prohibited to modify this appliance in
any way.
If the power supply lead is damaged, it must
be replaced by a similar one available from
the supplier or its after-sales service.
Do not use this appliance if the plug is dam-
aged, if it is not working correctly, if it has
been dropped or if it is damaged or if it has
fallen into water. If this is the case, have the
appliance inspected and repaired by the sup-
plier or its after-sales department.
Do not transport this appliance by carrying
it by its power lead and do not use this lead
as a handle.
Always disconnect the appliance from the
mains after use or before cleaning it.
An electrical appliance should never be left
plugged in and unsupervised. Disconnect it
from the mains if you are not using it.
Keep the power lead away from hot surfaces.
Do not use this product before going to bed.
Exposure to light has a stimulating eect
which may inhibit sleep.
Never let anything fall into and never insert
anything into one of the openings.
Do not use this appliance in a humid envi-
ronment (in a bathroom, near a shower, etc.).
Never use this appliance in a room where
aerosol products (sprays) are used or in a
room where oxygen is administered.
Do not use this appliance under a cover or un-
der a cushion. Excessive heat may cause a re,
electrocution of the individual or other injuries.
This appliance is intended exclusively for
family use. The use of Lumino Plus is therefore
not equivalent to a medical treatment.
Do not use the appliance in a room which
is not lit by another source of light, as this
can lead to eyestrain. Use this appliance as
a supplement for normal lighting (daylight
or electric lighting).
If you feel any pain while using this appli-
ance, stop using it immediately and consult
your doctor.
We recommend that you do not look at the
lamp during your session. Pain in the eyes
may occur during the rst sessions; this will
disappear afterwards.
Consult your doctor before using Lumino
Plus if:
you are suering or have suered from
serious depression;
you suer from hypersensitivity to light;
you are aicted with an eye disorder;
you are taking certain medications (e.g.
certain antidepressants, psychotropic
drugs, tablets for malaria) which could
have a an eect contradicting the use of
Lumino Plus;
you have high blood pressure.
Exposure time depends in particular on the
distance between you and the Lumino Plus.
Refer to the chapter on “Instructions for
use” for the recommended distances and
exposure times.
1 & 2
on / off
0 Stop
I 2 uorescent economic 36W
PLL tubes operating.
II 3 uorescent economic 36W
PLL tubes operating.
2 Reector cover
3 Electric cable
It is recommended to use Lumino Plus pref-
erably between  am and  pm.
1 Insert the base of the Lumino Plus
into the main part as shown in the
drawing [
3]. Make sure that the lamp
E-IM-LuminoPlus-001.indd 3 5/07/2018 11:38:07

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