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Heating Overblanket EN Instruction manual 5 / 56
Do not wrap the heating plaid around you so
that you can no longer perform any movement.
Always leave a space between yourself and the
blanket so that you can have easy access to the
remote control or the power plug.
Do not pinch the blanket (especially on beds with var-
ying positions or mattresses with separate elements).
Do not use the blanket on animals.
When storing your heating plaid for a long period,
store it in a dry place. Carefully check the condition
of your heating plaid before operating it again for
the rst time. If the power cable appears damaged,
do not operate the device.
Children should not use this heating plaid on their
own. It should be used as advised by a responsible
supervising adult.
This heating plaid should not be used by young
children or persons insensitive to heat.
Diagram and description, 3
1 ON-OFF button
2 Temperature control
3 Timer control
4 “Pre-heat” mode
5 Indication of temperature intensity level
6 Indication of length of use
Introductory remarks on the
use of the heating plaid
The LANAFORM heating plaid is intended for warming
the human body. It should be used either:
Wrapped around you
· In this case, make sure the cord is positioned so
that you cannot trip.
· Make sure that the heating plaid is connected
near a power outlet.
Make sure that the remote control is easily accessi-
ble and not placed under a pillow or another object.
Do not wrap the heating plaid around you so that
you can no longer move freely. Always leave a
space between yourself and the blanket so that
you can have easy access to the remote control
or the power plug.
Or like a plaid cover on a bed (and not under the
person like a mattress cover)
In this case make sure that the remote control is
easily accessible and not placed under a pillow
or another object.
This heating plaid is equipped with a safety system.
An electronic sensor prevents overheating of the
heating plaid over its entire surface by automatic
shutdown in case of failure or when the connector is
not properly connected to the power cable.
If the temperature indicator (5) is displaying the
letter “P, turn the cover to the “O” position.
Check that the plug is securely plugged in and turn
the plaid on again. If the light is still displayed, this
means that the plaid’s internal connection is en-
countering a problem. In this case, take the plaid
back to the supplier or its after-sales department.
If the temperature indicator displays the letter “E”,
this means that the heating plaid is encountering
a problem again in the internal electronic circuit.
In this case, take the plaid back to the supplier or
its after-sales department.
Use of the plaid
To turn on the unit, rst connect the switch to the
heating plaid by plugging the connector and then
insert the plug into a 220-volt power source.
Make sure the remote control is in the “ON” position
(1). Two indicator lights “0” will appear on the LED
screen showing the heating intensity and the timer
mode (5) and (6) .
To heat the plaid as quickly as possible, we recom-
mend that you rst set the thermostat to High
the button specically provided for this purpose (4)
and then decrease it as you wish.
To avoid excessive heat emission, the intensity
of heat will be positioned at the minimum
intensity (L) after one hour of use at full power.
Adjustment of heating
intensity and length of use
The remote control allows the temperature to be
adjusted to 7 dierent levels of heat. To select the
heating intensity, simply press repeatedly on the
button “Temperature Set(2) until you reach the
heat level you require.
Heating Overblanket - LA180105 - 004 - 2017 - Notice - K.indd 5 09/05/2017 11:35:51

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