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Thank you for choosing Lanaform’s Home Mass, a high quality massage appliance.
The Home Mass, with its 4 rotating massage heads, will allow you to reduce tension, muscular pains and fatigue.
Comfortable to use and professionally made, the Home Mass offers you three types of massages and nine possible
programmes. It is also operated with a user-friendly control which fits comfortably into the palm of your hand. The Home
Mass can be used whether you are in your car, in the office or at home.
Please read these instructions before using the appliance. Please also adhere scrupulously to these instructions while
using the appliance.
To prevent the risk of burns, electrocution, fire or injury:
Only use this appliance for the purposes described in this manual.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) whose physical, sensorial or mental capabilities
are impaired, or by persons lacking experience or knowledge, unless they are supervised or instructed in the use of the
appliance first by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play
with the appliance.
Please do not use accessories which are not recommended by Lanaform® or which are not supplied with this appliance.
If the power lead is damaged, it must be replaced by a special or similar lead available from the supplier or its after-
sales department.
Do not use this appliance if the plug is damaged, if it is not working correctly, if it has been dropped or if it is damaged
or if it has fallen into water. If this is the case, have the appliance inspected and repaired by the supplier or its after-sales
Do not transport this appliance by carrying it by its power lead and do not use this lead as a handle.
Never use drawing pins or other metal attachments with this appliance.
Always disconnect the appliance from the mains after use or before cleaning it.
Do not try to retrieve an appliance which has fallen into water; simply disconnect it from the mains immediately.
An electrical appliance should never be left plugged in and left unsupervised. Disconnect it from the mains if you are
not using it.
Keep the power lead away from hot surfaces.
Do not use this product before going to bed. Massage has a stimulating effect which may inhibit sleep.
Do not use this massage appliance while you are asleep.
Never let anything fall into and never insert anything into one of the openings.
Never use this appliance in a room where aerosol products (sprays) are used or in a room where oxygen is administered.
Do not use this appliance under a cover or under a cushion. Excessive heat may cause a fire, electrocution of the
individual or other injuries.
To disconnect the appliance from the mains, turn all the buttons to the «OFF» position and then unplug it.
This appliance is intended exclusively for family use.
For your safety, we recommend that you do not use this appliance while you are driving any type of vehicle.
If you are worried about your health, consult a doctor before using this appliance.
Home Mass

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