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Safety Precautions
1. Do not drop or subject the camera to severe impact and avoid anything which may it
cause physical damage.
2. Do not place the camera near objects that generate magnetic elds, such as magnets
or electric motors. Do not place the camera too close to objects that emit powerful
radio waves, such as antennas. Strong magnetics elds or radio waves may cause dam-
age to the camera or corrupt the captured video and audio recordings.
3. Do not expose the camera to high temperatures or direct sunlight.
4. Use only high-quality microSDHC and SDXC cards with a speed index of at least Class 10
UHS-I U1. For shooting at a resolution of 4K at 30 fps (fps = frames per second) and 720p
at 240 fps we recommend using UHS-I U3 cards. Slower cards may limit the functional-
ity of the camera and it may not be able to record in all modes and at all resolutions.
5. Do not place the microSD card near magnetic elds or in places where static electricity
may occur. This will prevent any accidental loss of data.
6. If the device overheats, produces smoke or a suspicious odour whilst charging, imme-
diately unplug the device and stop charging.
7. When charging, keep the camera out of reach of children. Power cord may cause elec-
tric shock or strangulation. Do not charge unattended.
8. Store the camera in a cool dry dust-free environment.
Thank you for purchasing the LAMAX X10 Taurus action camera. You have acquired a
durable assistant for any situation, that fears no challenge and will reward you with high-
quality native 4K recordings at thirty frames per second. A wide range of accessories are
included in the basic package so you can fully utilize the camera right out of the box. We
wish you many a wonderful experience forever preserved thanks to the LAMAX action

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