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Secure the back plate flush to the wall using the provided hardware.
- Take care not to bend the back plate during installation as this may cause it to malfunction.
- If a reclamation box is included with your remote controller, install the remote controller in-
stallation plate as shown by the illustrations below.
Remote controller’s wire may be installed at three different locations on the plate.
Select appropriate direction according to the installation environment.
- Wiring directions: wall reclamation, top side, or left side
- If you install the remote controller cable on top side or left side, install after removing the re-
mote controller cable guide groove. (h Use pliers to remove guide groove.)
Fix the remote controller top part to the back plate on the wall as shown in the figure below,
and press the bottom part to combine it with the back plate.
- Press together so that there is no gap between the remote controller and the
top/bottom/left/right side of the back plate.
- Before combining with the installation plate, arrange the cable so that it does not interfere
with the circuit parts.
Installation of Remote Controller
2. Top side guide groove
3. Left side
guide groove
1. Wall reclamation
2. Top side guide groove
3. Left side guide groove
<4 socket reclamation box installation> <2 socket reclamation box installation>
<Order of Combining>
Self-diagnosis for Trouble Mode
It automatically runs a self-diagnosis when there is a trouble detected in the system.
It displays the troble mode number with maintenance CODE.
<Individual control>
<Group control>
In order to expedite a service, please remember the error number and provide it when consulting
an installer.
An emergency elevation grill can be operated even in the case of errors.
(Except the trouble mode number 03)
* If the centralized control lock or wired remote controller lock is programmed, this function will
not work.
* Some product may not include this function.

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