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Always comply with the following precautions to avoid dangerous situations and ensure peak
performance of your product
This symbol indicates potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided could result in death or
serious injury.
This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor
or moderate injury.
• For electrical work, contact the dealer, seller, a qualified electrician, or an authorized service Center.
- Do not disassemble or repair the product. There is risk of fire, electric shock, explosion, equipment
malfunction, or injury.
• Request to the service center or installation specialty store when reinstalling the installed product.
- There is risk of fire, electric shock, explosion, equipment malfunction, or injury.
• Do not disassemble, fix, and modify products randomly.
- There is risk of fire, electric shock, explosion, equipment malfunction, or injury.
• The product shall be installed according to the national standards and local code.
• Apply totally enclosed noncombustible conduit in case of local building code requiring plenum.
• Use appropriate unit mounting procedures.
• Avoid direct sunlight.
• Avoid moist areas.
• Do not place flammable objects close to the product.
- There is risk of fire, electric shock, explosion, equipment malfunction or injury.
• Do not allow product to get wet.
- There is risk of fire, electric shock, explosion, equipment malfunction or injury.
• Avoid dropping the product.
- There is risk of fire, electric shock, explosion, equipment malfunction or injury.
• If product gets wet, contact your dealer or authorized service center.
- There is risk of fire, electric shock, explosion, equipment malfunction, or injury. If the instructions
are not followed, it may cause death or severe injury of the user.
• Do not use sharp or pointed objects on product.
- There is risk of fire, electric shock, explosion, equipment malfunction or injury.
• Do not touch or pull the lead wire with wet hands.
- There is risk of product breakdown or electric shock.
• Do not cool excessively indoors. This may consume more electricity.
• Block sunlight with blinds or curtains while you are operating the air conditioner.
• Keep doors or windows closed tightly while you are operating the air conditioner.
• Adjust the direction of the air flow vertically or horizontally to circulate indoor air.
• Speed up the fan to cool or warm indoor air quickly, in a short period of time.
• Clean the air filter once every 2 weeks. Dust and impurities collected in the air filter may block the
air flow or reduce the cooling / dehumidifying functions.
For your records
Staple your receipt to this page in case you need it to prove the date of purchase or for warranty
purposes. Write the model number and the serial number here:
Model number :
Serial number :
You can find them on a label on the side of each unit.
Dealer’s name :
Date of purchase :
Here are some tips that will help you minimize the power consumption when you use the air
conditioner. You can use your air conditioner more efficiently by referring to the instructions

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