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Safety Instructions
If water is spilt into the projector unplug it from the power supply
immediately and consult your Service Agent.
This may cause an electric shock hazard or damage to the unit!
Dispose of used batteries
carefully and safely.
In the case of a battery being
swallowed by a child please consult
a doctor immediately.
CAUTION concerning the Power Cord
It is recommend that most appliances be placed on a dedicated circuit; that is, a single outlet circuit
which powers only that appliance and has no additional outlets or branch circuits.Check the specification
page of this owner's manual to be certain.
Do not overload wall outlets. Overloaded wall outlets, loose or damaged wall outlets, extension cords,
frayed power cords, or damaged or cracked wire insulation are dangerous.Any of these conditions could
result in electric shock or fire. Periodically examine the cord of your appliance, and if its appearance
indicates damage or deterioration, unplug it, discontinue use of the appliance, and have the cord
replaced with an exact replacement part by authorized service personnel.
Protect the power cord from physical or mechanical abuse, such as being twisted, kinked, pinched,
closed in a door, or walked upon. Pay particular attention to plugs, wall outlets, and the point where the
cord exits the appliance.
Do not remove any covers. High
risk of Electric Shock!
Don’t look directly into the lens
when the projector is in use. Eye
damage may occur!
Do not touch metal parts during
or soon after operation since the
vents will remain very hot!
Do not plug-in too many items
into one power outlet.
It may result in overheating of the out-
let and create a fire hazard!
Never touch the power plug with
a wet hand.
This may cause an electric shock
Prevent dust from collecting on
the power plug pins or outlet.
This may cause a fire hazard!
Hold the plug firmly when
unplugging. If you pull the cord,
it may be damaged.
This may cause a fire hazard!
Do not use if the power cord or
the plug is damaged or any part
of the power outlet is loose.
This may cause a fire or an electric
shock hazard or damage to the unit!
Ensure the power cord does not
come into contact with sharp or
hot objects.
This may cause a fire or an electric
shock hazard or damage to the unit!
Place the projector where people
will not trip or tread on the power
This may cause a fire or an electric
shock hazard or damage to the unit!
Do not turn the projector On/Off by plugging-in or unplugging the
power plug to the wall outlet.
(Allow the unit to cool before removing power.)
It may cause mechanical failure or could cause an electric shock.
Do not place anything containing
liquid on top of the projector
such as flowerpot, cup, cosmet-
ics or candle.
This may cause a fire hazard or
damage to the unit!
In case of impact shock or damage
to the projector switch it off and
unplug it from the power outlet and
contact an authorized service center.
This may cause a fire or an electric shock
hazard or damage to the unit!
Do not allow any objects to fall
into the projector.
This may cause an electric shock haz-
ard or damage to the unit!

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Andere handleiding(en) van LG BX503B

LG BX503B Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 44 pagina's

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