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Owner's Manual 5
Safety Precautions
Do not use the product for special purposes,
such as preserving foods, works of art, etc. It
is a consumer air conditioner, not a precision
refrigeration system.
• There is risk of damage or loss of property.
Do not block the inlet or outlet of air flow.
• It may cause product failure.
Use a soft cloth to clean. Do not use
harsh detergents, solvents or splashing
water etc .
• There is risk of fire, electric shock, or damage
to the plastic parts of the product.
Do not touch the metal parts of the
product when removing the air filter.
• There is risk of personal injury.
Do not step on or put anyting on the
product. (outdoor units)
• There is risk of personal injury and failure of
Always insert the filter securely after
cleaning. Clean the filter every two weeks
or more often if necessary.
• A dirty filter reduces the efficiency.
Do not insert hands or other objects
through the air inlet or outlet while the
product is operating.
• There are sharp and moving parts that could
cause personal injury.
Be cautious when unpacking and
installing the product.
• Sharp edges could cause injury.
If the refrigerant gas leaks during the
repair, do not touch the leakaing
refrigerant gas.
• The refrigernat gas can cause frostbite (cold
Do not tilt the unit when removing or
uninstalling it.
• The condensed water inside can spill .
Do not mix air or gas other than the
specified refrigerant used in the system .
• If air enters the refrigerant system, an
excessively high pressure results, causing
equipment damage or injury.
If the refrigerant gas leaks during the
installation, ventilate the area immediately.
• Otherwise it can be harmfull for your health.
Dismantling the unit, treatment of the
refrigerant oil and eventual parts should
be done in accordance with local and
national standards.
Replace the all batteries in the remote
control with new ones of the same type.
Do not mix old and new batteries or
different types of batteries.
• There is risk of fire or product failure.
Do not recharge or disassemble the
batteries. Do not dispose off batteries in
a fire.
• They may burn or explode.
If the liquid from the batteries gets onto
your skin or clothes, wash it well with
clean water. Do not use the remote if the
batteries have leaked.
• The chemicals in batteries could cause burns
or other health hazards.
If you eat the liquid from the batteries,
brush your teeth and see doctor. Do not
use the remote if the batteries have
• The chemicals in batteries could cause
burns or other health hazards.
Do not let the air conditioner run for a
long time when the humidity is very high
and a door or a window is left open.
• Moisture may condense and wet or damage
Do not expose your skin or kids or
plants to the cool or hot air draft.
• This could harm to your health.
Do not drink the water drained from the
• It is not sanitary and could cause serious
health issues.
Use a firm stool or ladder when cleaning,
maintaining or repairing the product at
an height.
• Be careful and avoid personal injury.

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LG ASUH126 PUL3 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 21 pagina's

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