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Problem Possible causes Corrective action
stops during
• The air conditioner is suddenly
turn off.
• The timer function could be
operated. If the timer function
would operate, the air-conditioner
can be turn off.
• Check the timer setting is correct.
• A power failure has occurred
during operation.
• There is the Auto Restart Function.
It is a default setting.
• This function can turn on the unit
automatically when the power is
• If you live in frequent power failure
area, this function would be useful.
Indoor unit is still
operating even
when the power
is being turned
• Auto-Clean mode is being
• This function is to remove the
rest of moisture indoor unit.
• Please, wait until the end of
• It will be inhibit a fungal growth.
If you do not want this feature, you
can turn off to press .
Mist is discharged
from the air outlet
of the indoor unit.
• The cooled air from the air
conditioner makes mist.
• When the room temperature is
down, this phenomenon will
Water leaks from
the outdoor unit.
• In the heating operations,
condensed water drop from the
heat exchanger.
• This symptom need to install drain
hose under the base pan.
• Contact the installer.
Operating noise
or vibration.
• Clicking sound
Clicking sound can be heard
either when the unit starts or
stops due to movement of
reversing valve.
• Creaking sound
The plastic parts of the indoor
unit make sound of shrinks and
expands due to a sudden
temperature change.
• The water flowing sound,
Blowing sound
The flow of refrigerant through
the air conditioner is switching,
noise can be heard.
• These are normal symptoms.
• After a moment, it will be silent.
The indoor unit
gives out odor.
• The air smells bad because a
musty or cigarettes odor may be
absorbed into the indoor unit and
discharged with airflow.
• If the smell does not disappear, you
need to wash filter or heat
• Contact the installer.

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Andere handleiding(en) van LG A12LL

LG A12LL Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 25 pagina's

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