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(Only 19/22/26/32LE3
, 32/37/42LE4
, 22/26LE5
, 32/37/42/47/55LE5
You can play movie files on a USB storage device.
The movie list is activated once USB is detected. It is used when playing movie files on TV.
Displays the movies in the USB folder and supports Play.
Allows playback of all movies in the folder and user desired files.
It is a movie list that displays folder information and movie file.
The On Screen Display may be different from your TV. Images are an example to assist with the TV
mp4(motion-jpeg)/*.mkv(motion-jpeg))supporting file
Video format : DivX3.11, DivX4.12, DivX5.x, DivX6, Xvid1.00, Xvid1.01, Xvid1.02, Xvid1.03, Xvid1.10 beta-1/beta-2,
Mpeg-1, Mpeg-2, Mpeg-4, H.264/AVC, VC1, JPEG, Sorenson H.263
Audio format : Dolby Digital, Mpeg, MP3, LPCM, ADPCM, WMA
Bit rate : within 32 kbps to 320 kbps(MP3)
External Subtitle format : *.smi/*.srt/*.sub(MicroDVD,Subviewer1.0/2.0)/*.ass/*.ssa/*.txt(TMPlayer)/*.psb(PowerDivX)
Internal Subtitle format : only, XSUB (It is the subtitle format used in DivX6 files)
• Some user-created subtitles may not work properly.
Some special characters are not supported in subtitles.
HTML tags are not supported in subtitles.
Subtitles in languages other than the supported languages are not available.
• The screen may suffer temporary interruptions (image stoppage, faster playback, etc.) when the audio language is
• A damaged movie file may not be played correctly, or some player functions may not be usable.
• Movie files produced with some encoders may not be played correctly
If the video and audio structure of recorded file is not interleaved, either video or audio is outputted.
HD videos with a maximum of 1920x1080@25/30P or 1280x720@50/60P are supported, depending on the frame.
• Videos with resolutions higher than 1920X1080@25/30P or 1280x720@50/60P may not work properly depending on
• Movie files other than the specified types and formats may not work properly.
bitrate of playable movie file is 20 Mbps.
(only, Motion JPEG : 10 Mbps)
• We do not guarantee smooth playback of profiles encoded level 4.1 or higher in H.264/AVC.
DTS Audio codec is not supported.
A movie file more than 30 GB in file size is not supported for playback.
A DivX movie file and its subtitle file must be located in the same folder.
• A video file name and its subtitle file name must be identical for it to be displayed.
Playing a video via a USB connection that doesn’t support high speed may not work properly
Files encoded with GMC(Global Motion Compensation) may not be played.
When you are watching the movie by Movie List function, you can adjust an image by Energy Saving and AV Mode
on the remote control. User setup for each image mode does not operate.

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Andere handleiding(en) van LG 22LD350

LG 22LD350 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 180 pagina's

LG 22LD350 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 206 pagina's

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