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*This feature is not available for all models.
Dynamic Contrast
Adjusts the contrast to keep it at the best level according to the brightness of
the screen. The picture is improved by making bright parts brighter and dark
parts darker.
Dynamic Colour
(Off/Low/High )
Adjusts screen colours so that they look livelier, richer and clearer. This fea-
ture enhances hue, saturation and luminance so that red, blue, green and
white look more vivid.
Skin Colour
Adjusts skin colour of the picture so that user can set his favourite skin colour.
Noise Reduction
(In Analogue Mode
Reduces screen noise without compromising video quality.
Digital Noise Reduction
Reduces noise regarding MPEG compressed video.
(Advanced Control:
Expert Control:
1.9/2.2/2.4 )
You can adjust brightness of dark area and middle gray level area of the picture.
Low/1.9 : Makes dark and middle gray level area of the picture brighter.
Medium/2.2 : Expresses original picture levels.
High/2.4: Make dark and middle gray level area of the picture darker.
Black Level
Low : The picture of the screen gets darker.
High : The picture of the screen gets brighter.
Auto : Sets black level of the screen to High or Low automatically according to
the input signal level.
Set black level of the screen to proper level.
This function enables to select 'Low' or 'High' in the following mode:
AV(NTSC-M), HDMI or Component. Otherwise, 'Black level' is set to 'Auto'.
Clear White
Makes the white area of the screen brighter and clearer.
Eye Care
*This feature is not available for all models.
Adjusts the brightness of the screen automatically to the best level for
eyes when the screen is too bright.
This feature is disable inPicture Mode-Vivid, Cinema, Expert1, Expert2,
Intelligent Sensor(Only 32/42/46/52/60LD5
, 32LE3
, 32/37/42LE4
Real Cinema
You can watch a cinema-like video by eliminating judder effect.
Use this function when you watch film-originated movie contents.
This function can work when TruMotion is off.

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Andere handleiding(en) van LG 19LE3308

LG 19LE3308 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 206 pagina's

LG 19LE3308 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 206 pagina's

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