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1.Initial information
In some countries this appliance may not be the only source of heat for your building.
NOTE: To avoid the risk of re, the installation of this appliance should comply with all relevant
Health and Safety Regulations for your area and the Technical Instructions contained in this
manual. The design of the Fireplace and installation should be prepared by a qualied professional.
The chimney should be checked by a chimney sweep prior to the installation of the appliance.
Following the installation, both a technical and Safety test should be carried out on the unit and
signed o on by qualied specialists.
You are recommended to read carefully the whole of the manual to make the best of the replace
insert with water jacket and be satised with your purchase. The a user is liable for the results of the
failure to observe the guidelines of the assembly manual. It is recommended that you read the com-
plete manual carefully in order that you get the most out of your purchase. Failure to comply with the
guidelines in the manual leaves the owner/user liable.
The replace insert with water jacket should be installed in accordance with this operating manual.
Particular attention should be paid to:
- assembling the components of the replace insert with water jacket in accordance with their
intended use;
- connecting the replace insert with water jacket to the ue gas evacuation duct and the chimney
- providing required ventilation to the room where the replace insert with water jacket is installed;
- properly connecting the replace insert with water jacket to the central heating system and/or hot
water circulation system.
Detailed information related to installing the replace insert with water jacket is included in further
sections of this manual.
Requirements related to the conditions and principles of installations of such hearths as the replace
inserts with water jacket can be found in the standards valid in each country as well as in state and
local regulations. The provisions included in them must be observed.
Within the territory of Poland the following legislative acts are in force:
- the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure dated 12 April 2002 on tech- nical conditions that
buildings and their location should meet (Dz.U. no. 75 dated 15.06.2002 Chapter 4;
- PN-91/B-02413 standard Heat industry and heat engineering;
- PN-EN 13229:2002 standard Insert appliances including open res red by solid fuels. Requirements
and test methods; PN-EN 13229:2002/A1:2005 In- sert appliances including open res red by solid
fuels. Requirements and test methods;
- PN-EN 13229:2002/A2:2005 (U) Insert appliances including open res red by solid fuel.
Requirements and test methods
You are recommended to strictly observe the requirements included in the above regulations.
2. Intended use
Fireplace inserts with water jacket are designed to be red with deciduous wood. They are used to
heat ats and rooms where they are installed. They may be used as an additional source of heat. They
may also be used in conjunction with a storage water heater or may be used as a source of heating
for central heating.
The insert structure should be constructed in such a way so as to ensure assembly and disassembly
of the replace insert with water jacket without its destruction or damage. Moreover, it should ensure
the access of air necessary for burning and ventilation by the use of air grates on both sides of
a replace in the lower part of the insert structure and a bigger-sized outlet grate (in the upper part
of the housing) as well as constant access to operate a ue gases throttle or a chimney draft control-
ler (damper).

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