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8. Guarantee conditions
The use of the replace insert with water jacket, its connection to the chimney and operating condi-
tions must be in compliance with this operating manual. Any reconstructions or modications to the
structure of the replace insert are prohibited. The producer gives a 5-year-guarantee of its eective
operation from the moment of the insert purchase. The buyer of the replace insert is obliged to read
the manual of the replace insert, the conditions of the guarantee, which he should conrm with his
entry in the guarantee card in the moment of purchase. When submitting a claim a User of the re-
place insert is obliged to present a claim report, a lled-in guarantee card and a bill. Submitting the
above mentioned documentation is necessary for any claims to be considered. A claim consideration
should be carried out within 14 days as of the date of its written claim submitting. Any processing,
modications and changes to the insert structure result in immediate loss of a producer’s guarantee.
The guarantee covers:
- cast iron elements;
- movable elements of the mechanisms to control a vent connector ap and a comb of the ashpan
- re grate and insulations of the replace for the period of 1 year as of the moment of purchase.
The guarantee does not cover:
- replace lining (vermiculite, chamotte etc);
- re-resistant glass (resistant to the temperature up to 800°C);
- any defects arising from the failure to observe the provisions of the operating manual, in particular
related to the fuel and tinder to be used,
- any defects arising during the installation, enclosing and commissioning of the replace insert,
- damages caused by thermal stresses of the replace insert (related to the operation of the replace insert
inconsistent with the manual provisions).
The guarantee is extended by the period starting from the moment of claim submission and ending
on the day of notifying the buyer of the repair completion. This time will be conrmed in the
guarantee card. Any defects attributable to incorrect operation, storage, incompetent maintenance,
inconsistent with the conditions dened in the operating manual and caused by other reasons not
attributable to the producer result in the loss of the guarantee, if such defects have contributed to
quality changes of the replace insert.
The use of coal as fuel in all our inserts is prohibited. Firing the insert with coal in any case
results in the loss of guarantee for the hearth. A client notifying of a defect within the guaran-
tee is obliged each time to sign a declaration that coal or any other prohibited fuels have not
been used in our replace insert. If a suspicion of the use of above mentioned fuels arises,
the replace will be subject of an expertise to test the presence of prohibited substances. If in
the course of the analysis it is found that such substances have been used the client loses any
guarantee right and is obliged to incur all costs related to the claim (also the expertise costs).
This guarantee card serves as the basis of the provision of guarantee repairs free of charge. The gu-
arantee card without a date, seal, signatures as well as with amendments introduced by unauthorized
persons is no longer valid.
Guarantee duplicates shall not be issued!!!
Appliance serial number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Appliance type. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
When using the replace insert with water jacket the following principles need to be observed:
- the replace insert with water jacket cannot work without water;
- do not pour water over the re in the combustion chamber;
- the re-resistant ceramics of front sets during fuel burning in the replace insert with water jacket
may reach the temperature exceeding 100°C;
- free natural inow of air indispensable for fuel burning and room ventilation should be ensured in

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