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duration exceeds 3 hours in case of lling up with 3 bigger logs and completely closed air throttle (9)
at ca. 6 Pa chimney ue (the bigger the diameter of round timber the lower thermal load).
If necessary (the chimney makes a too high draft) to control the chimney draft, equip the ue in its
lower part with a draft arrester - be careful with the smoke.
6.4. Recommendations related to normal operation of the replace insert with water jacket
During the operation of heating appliances the following principles in particular should be observed:
1. Before ring up the replace insert with water jacket:
- check if the system is lled with water appropriately,
- check up the chimney ue with accessories (draft arrestor, washout holes etc.),
- check if the expansion vessel with inlet and outlet pipes is in working order and free from obstacles.
2. When using the replace insert with water jacket use appropriate tools and protective gloves.
3. If your system is going to be out of use for a period during the winter/cold weather, it is advisable
to drain the water down. Failure to do so may result in burst pipes or even the unit itself due to
4. Ensure proper ventilation supply in the room where you are going to install a replace insert with
water jacket.
5. Remove any easily combustible and caustic materials from the surroundings of the replace insert
with water jacket.
6. Do not use a mechanical exhaust ventilation.
7. Use water as the heating medium (puried water if possible). In the regions where big drops of
temperature occur anti-freezing liquid may be added to the water.
8. A few practical pieces of advice facilitating the operation and increasing the safety of users of the
replace inserts with water jacket:
- The glass will get very hot during normal operation (>100°C) - be very careful, it relates mainly to chil-
- Never use water for extinguishing re in replaces with water jacket
- the hearth when radiating emits lots of thermal energy. Do not leave any easily combustible and objects
in the distance smaller than 100 cm from the glass,
- Removing the ash from the replace should be done with a metal or non-combustible container.
Remember that even seemingly cooled down ash may be very hot and cause re, to ensure optimal
operation of the appliance a ventilation system for the room it is installed must be provided.
In each room where the appliance is installed predict the gravitational ow of air required for combustion
– usually there is a clearance of ca. 2 cm under the entrance door; an opening covered by a blind can be
made to ensure inow of air, in case of re close the primary air throttle with the handle (9), close the
damper (13) with a knob (15) and the draft arrester (if installed) and call the re service.
Due to the safety of the insert use during its operation the removal of a handle is recommended.
6.5. Cleaning the ashpan and chimney ues
For the purpose of ecient burning of fuel in the appliance, the combustion chamber (1), grate (10),
vent connector (17) and chimney ues should be cleaned periodically.
The smoke gas ducts should be cleaned with a wire brush. Chimney ues should be cleaned
mechanically a few times a year, obligatorily once per a heating season. The chimney ues should be
cleaned by a specialist chimney sweep company.
When cleaning the chimney :
- check the condition of the appliance and in particular of the elements ensuring tightness: seals and
- check the condition of the chimney ues and the connecting pipe,
- all connectors should show good mechanical resistance and tightness.
7. Spare parts
The Company kratki.pl guarantees the delivery of spare parts throughout the whole period of the
appliance operation. For this purpose contact our trading department or nearest point of sale.

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