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the room where the replace insert with water jacket is installed;
- do not ll up the combustion chamber with too much fuel, particularly with too shredded one, as
it may result in damage to the elements of front set and disturbances within the operation of the
replace insert with water jacket.
- Microprocessor Fireplace Controller
- Microprocessor Pomp Controller
- Emergency Power Supply Unit ZZA-400-S
- Emergency Power Supply Unit ZZA-300-A
9. The latest version - replace insert with safety coil pipe
To prevent water from overheating in the central heating system a built-in cooling coil pipe can be used.
In such case inside the water jacket a cool coil is installed. This coil is made of a copper pipe of 12mm
section. Both tips of the coils are led outside the replace.
To ensure best performance of the heat exchanger the safety device of the operation of the replace
insert itself (the process of heating up the water in the replace) with a thermostatic valve is at
the same time tted. For this purpose the thermostatic valve is best. The thermostatic valve is not
controlled by pressure, it is controlled by water temperature. This valve is placed into the water inow
pipe from the waterline to the coil. The thermostatic valve is connected with the temperature sensor
by means of a 1.3m-long-copper tube. The temperature sensor is settled on a stub pipe (23) prepared
spe- cially for this purpose; thanks to which it submerges directly in water that lls the water jacket,
consequently the thermostatic valve on the other end of the copper tube is controlled by the water
temperature. When the water in the replace reaches the temperature of 97°C the valve opens and
cold water from the water line ows through the coil tube. This way the water in the replace water
jacket is cooled. Such solution has one more advantage, namely the thermal safety-device of the re-
place operation does not need current. Cold water from the water line may ow through the cooling
coil both ways and it has no impact on the eectiveness of the heat exchanger operation.
If the thermostatic valve is not tight, the water from the feeding system all the time ows in through
the coil tube regardless of the temperature of water in the water jacket. In regular conditions the
valve seat and head should be just cleaned from time to time from deposit and dirt by pressing the
red button a few times and rinsing the above mentioned parts with a stream of water. However, if it is
not enough, the following actions should be taken:
1. Screw on the ball valve cutting o the water form the water line. This valve should always be under
the service connection with the thermostatic valve (i.e. under the pipe supplying water to the coil of
the heat exchanger).
2. Screw o the hexagonal screw and pull out the valve conical head.
3. Clean all elements of the thermostatic valve, in particular the valve seat, with the stream of running
4. Put together the thermostatic valve and nally screw on quite tightly the hexagonal screw.
Condensation inside the rebox is as a result of improper operation of your stove.
The eect of this can be:
- Condensation forming on the inner walls of the rebox/stove and in extreme cases leakage out of
the unit,
- Smoke exiting the stove back in to the room,
- Dirty Glass and dirty combustion chamber,
- Loss of Damper control due to sticking.

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