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In accordance with these principles:
• The replace insert with water jacket should be installed on a minimum 15 cm thick-incombustible
surface. The easily combustible oor near the replace door must be protected with a minimum
30cm wide-strip of incombustible material reaching at least 30 cm away from the edges of doors
on each side.
• The replace insert with water jacket, connecting pipes and openings for cleaning should be away
from the unprotected easily combustible parts of a building, at a distance of at least 60 cm and from
the ones protected by 25mm-thick-plaster or other equivalent lining - at least 30cm.
• The room where the replace insert with water jacket is installed fresh air inow must be ensured
for burning fuel in the replace and for ventilation.
• The ue gas ducts and smoke ducts as well as ventilation ducts in the room where the replace with
water jacket will be installed must be made of certicated non-combustible materials.
(vary from country to country).
4.2. Assembly principles of the ue gas extraction system
The primary condition of safe and economic operation of the replace insert with water jacket is the
chimney ue in working order and appropriately selected in terms of cross section. The technical
condition of the chimney should be assessed by a chimney sweeper. The chimney ue should be free
from connections of other appliances.
The section of the chimney is determined acc. to the following formula:
F = 0,003 x [m
], where
F - section of the chimney [m
Q - rated thermal power of the replace insert [kW],
h - chimney height [m].
The vent connector of the replace insert with water jacket should be connected to the chimney by
means of a steel pipe, made of certicated material, that should be placed on the vent connector
outlet and settled in the chimney.
The chimney should be made on non-combustible materials enabling the maintenance of constant
temperature. Otherwise the chimney should be lined with an isolative material or a two-jacket-chim-
ney should be installed (in the part protruding over the roof). The chimney and chimney ues should
be tested for air-tightness, no leaks are permissible. The chimney may have a circular or square section
with the cross section not smaller than 14 x 14 cmor diameter
Ø150 mm for replaces with fume outlet
size up to 0.25 m 2 in the case of larger fume outlet size, chimney dimension 14 x 27 cm or diameter
Ø180 mm. The section of the chimney ue should be the same all along its he ight, there should be no
sudden narrowings or ue gas ow direction changes. Only one heating appliance may be connected
to one chimney ue.
4.3. Assembly principles of the central heating system
NOTE: The replace inserts with water jackets within the territory of Poland are designed to works as
a source of heating in the gravitational or pump water heating system of the open system secured
in accordance with PN-91/B-02413 standard, in which the permissible water temperature does not
exceed 100°C, the permissible working pressure is not higher than the pressure for the applainces
used, the circulating water can be used exclusively for heating purposes and cannot be collected from
the system.
The replace insert with water jacket should be connected with the central heating system by means
of pie union joints or collars. The replace and central heating system should be relled with water
outside the area of the replace insert (not closer than 1.0m) on the return water duct.
The installation and commissioning of the replace insert with water jacket should be carried
out by a qualied assembly team.

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