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11. AQUARIO insert
Construction diagram of a replace insert with the water system. Drawing 3.
The main part of the replace insert with a water system is the steel water jacket (16) located above
the combustion chamber (1). The steel door (2) equipped with a uniform heatproof glass (3) and a
closing lock with a handle (4) constitutes the front wall of the combustion chamber (1).
The door is mounted in the frame (5). The combustion chamber (1) is inlaid with Acumotte forms
(27). The double-jacket oor whose construction also constitutes the air supply chamber (6) serves
as the base of the system. Air supply is performed by means of the outdoor air supply stub pipe with
the The lower vermiculite deector (26) is located above the combustion chamber. The upper steel
deector (25) is located above it. The vertical water heater re tubes (17) are welded onto the upper
inside walls of the water heater (18). The steel deector (25) and the vertical water heater re tubes
constitute the natural convection channel for fume ow, intensifying heat exchange. During the
burning process inside the insert, fumes wash the combustion chamber (1) walls, then pass under the
lower and upper deectors and ow through the vertical re tubes (17) and then sweep the water
heater (18), intensively transmitting heat to the water. Next, they ow to the ue (10) and through the
smoke channel leading to the chimney.
An adjustable damper (11) is installed in the ue. The position of the damper is adjusted by means
of the damper mechanism (12). Pulling the damper mechanism out by means of the damper handle
(13) is equivalent to opening the fume outlet cover (11). The lower damper (14) is an integral part of
the insert. It is located directly above the combustion chamber (1) and it constitutes an extension
of the upper steel deector (25) along its entire length. Opening it in the preliminary phase of the
burning process makes the path of the fumes to the chimney short, which automatically generates
better draught. Closing it by means of the lower damper handle (15) means directing the fumes
between the two deectors – the lower (26) and the upper (25) one (smoke shelf), which makes the
fume path longer. Drawing 7.; thanks to which the burning of fuel particles which have not been bur-
ned earlier in the combustion chamber (1) takes place in the space between the deectors and above
the steel deector. Additional heat gained in that way is transmitted to the vertical water heater re
tubes (17) and to the water jacket (system) (16). Damper (13) handles (15) are equipped with gradual
damper position adjustment.
The water jacket (system) (16) is equipped with xed stub pipes which are used to connect it to the
heated water central heating system, thermal sensors and the excessive heat transmission system
– the heating coil (24). The stub pipes (20) and (19) with 1 inch female thread (G1’’) are intended for
connecting the insert to the central heating system (the right and the left side of the insert – cross
connection for supply/return recommended). The stub pipes (19) with 1 inch female thread (G1’’) t-
ted in the lower part of the water jacket (system) (16) are intended for connecting water return from
the central heating installation. The stub pipes (20) tted in the upper part of the jacket are intended
for connecting heated water outlet to the central heating installation (the right and the left side of
the insert – cross connection for supply/return recommended).
Stub pipes with male thread (G1/2’’) (23) constitute the heating coil (24) ends. The stub pipe of the
thermal valve sensor (22) with female thread (G1/2’’) is intended for connecting the capillary tube of
the safety valve thermal sensor which controls water ow activation through the heating coil (24).
The heating coil (24) is an element that protects the water jacket against overheating. If heat trans-
mission through the central heating installation is lower than the capacity generated by the insert,
the water temperature in the water jacket may rise to a dangerous level. In such a case, when the
temperature of 95ºC +/- 2 ºC is exceeded, the thermal valve opens water ow through the heating
coil, which cools the water in the water jacket (system). The element (21) is the mounting socket of
the replace controller thermal valve, which controls the operation of the system (central heating
pumps) and of the optional air throttling valve. Such a throttling valve is mounted in the air supply
channel from outside of the building and controls the amount of air drawn through the replace; it
provides optimization of the burning process.

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