Pagina terug
Pagina verder
1. Antenna
2. 5 V DC input
3. Power button
4. Video input
5. Audio input right channel
6. Audio input left channel
7. Input IR cable
8. Antenna
9. 5 V DC input
10. Power button
11. Video output
12. Audio output right channel
13. Audio output left channel
1. Connect the transmitter with the AV cable (4,5,6) to the output of VCR, DVD, SAT of Set Top Box.
2. Connect the receiver with the AV cable (11,12,13) to the input of TV, LCD screen or plasma TV.
3. Connect the IR cable to the IR cable input (7). See using the remote control chapter for
4. Connect the adapter plug of the AC/DC adapter into the transmitter (2) and the receiver (9). then
connect the power plug into a 230 V wall outlet. Note: use the provided adapters only.
5. Power ON (3, 10) the transmitter and receiver. Power ON the connected equipment as well.
How to pair the transmitter and receiver:
The transmitter and receiver are already paired with ID codes, you can use them instantly. If you want
to reset these codes, follow the instructions below:
1. Turn on the power (3,10) of the receiver and the transmitter. Then press the PAIR button (3) on
the front of the transmitter and hold until the LINK LED on the front ashes. Then release the PAIR
button (3). The transmitter will start the pairing procedure and link ID codes with the receiver.
2. While the LINK LED of the transmitter ashes (± 35 sec.), press the PAIR button (7) on the front
of the receiver and hold until the LINK LED ashes. Then release the PAIR button (7) and the
receiver will start the pairing procedure and link ID codes with the transmitter.
3. When the transmitter and receiver are linking ID codes, do not turn off the power switch. When
linking has completed, the LINK LEDs stop ashing and the light will remain constant.
Please note:
If the transmitter and receiver have a pairing ID code, the LED will light up for 3 seconds and the
transmitter and receiver will automatically start to pair. If matching objects are found, the LED will light
up, if not, the transmitter and receiver will send matching codes until a matching ID code is found.
Using the remote control feature:
The wireless 2.4 GHz digital audio/video transmission system not only allows you to send audio/
video from one area to another, it also enables you to control the source device by using your existing
remote control. It converts the infrared (IR) signal emitted by your remote control to a radio frequency
(RF) signal in the UHF band at the receiver and sends it back to the transmitter where the RF signal is
converted back to the original IR signal and beamed to the audio/video source.
Use the IR cable and connect the 2.5mm plug to the input jack on the back of the transmitter (7).
Place the IR sensor on the front of the display of the equipment that needs to be controlled. It is
important to place the IR sensor as close as possible to the IR sensor, which is behind the display of
the equipment.

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