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HI = full range
LOW = reduced range (for a further reduction in electric smog)
At the highest sensitivity even faint noises are transmitted, and at the lower sensitivity only loud
noises are transmitted.
It will pick up the baby’s sounds automatically and transmit it to the receiver immediately.
VOX (Voice Activation) sensitivity can be adjusted by rotating the switch on top of the transmitter.
The transmitter is only active when sounds can be heard. This function eliminates any
unnecessary electric smog.
The night light can be switched to ON or OFF manually, or to AUTO if you want to allow the night
light to be activated by VOX (sound). The switch is located at the bottom of the unit.
The receiver (Parent unit)
Turn on the receiver with the ON/OFF switch at the side of the receiver. The power LED light
should be turned ON.
Select channel A or B for transmission with the channel switch inside the battery compartment. It
has to be in the same channel as the transmitter.
Rotate the volume switch until the desired sound level is obtained.
The 5 LED lights indicate the intensity of the sound received.
Range control
The receiver is equipped with optical range control. If the signal from the transmitter is no longer
adequately received, both red LED’s on the receiver LED light strip will flash.
When using the system as a baby monitor, make sure that the transmitter is positioned at least
1 metre away from the child. This system is not a substitute for personal supervision of a child
or person in need of care; it is simply intended to provide additional support. No liability
beyond that of the statutory warranty is accepted. This applies in particular to cases where this
system is used for medical applications contrary to its intended use.
Problem Possible Cause – things to do/check
No function Check the power supply.
Is the mains adapter connected correctly?
Are the rechargeable or standard batteries inserted correctly?
Are the rechargeable batteries charged?
No transmission Check the setting of the channel selection switches on both
units. They must be set to the same position.
Move the transmitter closer to the baby (but no nearer than
1 metre away from the child) or increase the microphone
Move the receiver closer to the transmitter.
Are both units switched on?
Transmission interference Select another transmission/reception channel on both units.
Move the receiver closer to the transmitter.
Check the batteries and replace/recharge them if necessary.
Move the slide switch of the transmitter to HI position for full

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