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Operating Methods
1. Plugging into the Power Supply
When you plug-in the humidifier, music will sound.
ƽ Warning
Please use the AC power supply as stated on the label. High voltage
may lead to malfunction, causing fire or electric shock.
ƽ Warning
Do not use the humidifier when the power line or plug is broken, or the
socket's gate is too loose. It may cause sparks, short-circuit or electric
ƽ Warning
Do not power on when water has leaked out or when the humidifier is
upside down. It may cause malfunction.
2. Push the “Power” Button
Press the “Power” button. The humidifier will begin operating
The display screen will show “Auto”, and mist will be emitted from
the misting nozzle
The display screen will show the current humidity status, warm
misting mode will begin automatically
Ten seconds after pushing the power button, the misting amount
indicator light will flash on and off continuously (preparation for
At the beginning of its operation, the misting amount may be
unstable which is caused by the difference in temperature and
water quality. There will be a time delay for the atomizer to change
water into mist at a steady rate, around 10-15 minutes
It takes about 10-20 minutes for the mist to become warm
About Auto Operation
Surrounding humidity The most appropriate
humidity ratio
<19°C 65%
20 ~ 21°C 60%
22 ~ 24°C 55%
The temperature and humidity sensor is installed
inside the product. It will adjust to the most
appropriate humidity and begin operating
according to the room temperature (surrounding
>25°C 50%
Misting amount during auto operation
Misting amount during auto
Difference between the
most appropriate humidity
and the current humidity
Misting amount
(operation display)
>11 strong operation
10 ~ 4 middle operation
<3 weak operation
The current humidity is
higher than the most
appropriate humidity
Misting amount is adjusted automatically
according to the difference between a tested
humidity and the ideal humidity.
For initial use or repeated use after filling the
water, operation will begin automatically after
2-5 minutes. It takes this length of time for water
to flow from the tank to the slot.
Push the “Mode Setup” button once. It will change to
“Sleep”, “Personal Setup” and “Auto Operation” modes

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