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5. Release both buttons.
6. Slide the Function switch to the AUTO position. The alarm indicator turns on.
7. To turn the alarm off, slide the function switch to the OFF position or press the Alarm button.
Snooze Alarm
1. When the alarm (buzzer or radio) turns on, press the Snooze button. The alarm turns off for about nine
2. To cancel the snooze feature, slide the function switch to the OFF position or press the Alarm button.
Set Sleep Timer
1. Select your desired radio station.
2. Slide the Function switch to the AUTO or OFF position.
3. Press the Sleep button. The display shows 59 minutes. Your clock radio will turn off after 59 minutes.
4. If you want to reduce the number of minutes, press and hold the Sleep button, then press and hold the
Minute button until the number of minutes you want appears. Release both buttons.
5. If you want to increase the number of hours, press and hold the Sleep button, then press and hold the
Hour button until the number of hours you want appears.
6. To turn off the sleep timer before the time you set occurs, press the Snooze button once.
Power source: AC 230V~50Hz
DC back-up: DC 9 V battery
Frequency range: FM: 88-108 MHz
AM: 530-1600 kHz
Safety precautions:
To reduce risk of electric shock, this product should ONLY be opened by an
authorized technician when service is required. Disconnect the product from
mains and other equipment if a problem should occur. Do not expose the
product to water or moisture.
Clean only with a dry cloth. Do not use cleaning solvents or abrasives.
No guarantee or liability can be accepted for any changes and modications of the product or damage caused
due to incorrect use of this product.
Designs and specications are subject to change without notice.
All logos brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and
are hereby recognized as such.
Keep this manual for future reference.
This product is marked with this symbol. It means that used electrical and electronic products
should not be mixed with general household waste. There is a separate collections system for these

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