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I. Overview
1.1 Introduction
BlazeVideo HDTV Player is a fully-featured but easy to use HDTV player for you to watch, record, pause, replay live TV,
Teletext and FM radio on PC. DVB compliant, it supports most popular TV Card with BDA interfaces on the market.
BlazeVideo HDTV Player also acts as your multimedia center with superior video and audio quality, supporting DVD and
most popular media le playback. The more advanced features, such as DVD record/ bookmark, video capture, photo
slideshow, special audio effect, brings you innite wonderful multimedia entertainment.
1.2 Features
Fully supports H.264/Mpeg-2 HDTV decoder for DMB-TH (Chinese DTV Standard)
Supports most popular TV cards with BDA interface on the market, and runs stable and smooth on Windows 98/
Me/2000/XP/Vista operating system
DVB compliant, watch, record, pause, replay live TV, Teletext and FM radio
Intelligent EPG guides you through what and when to watch
TimeShift to pause live TV shows for a break or skip commercial
Smart search to quickly locate favorite TV shows or desired TV show times
Real-time record while watching live TV show
Scheduled recording, never miss any wonderful TV shows
Reminds you to watch at the scheduled time
Auto & manual scan for all available channels
Displays subtitles, supports multiple language & audio channels
Capture TV show/DVD video as still image
Freely manage favorites channels
Multi-channel preview to quickly access favorite programs
Fully-featured media center, play DVD/SVCD/VCD/CD disc and most popular media files with outstanding video &
audio quality
Smart Stretch lets video smart fit on all monitors, avoids video loss or distortion
DVD video/audio record and DVD bookmark preview
Advanced power saving scheme for Notebook PC
Auto wakeup to perform schedule task at PC hibernation status
1.3 System Requirements
CPU Intel Celeron 600MHz or higher
System Memory 128MB RAM or higher
Operating System Windows 98 SE/ME/ 2000/ XP/Vista
Display Card 24-bit resolution and supports DirectX, 8MB video ROM or more
Sound Card
PCI sound cards, integration chipset on mother board, USB audio
devices etc., compatible with Windows and stereo speakers
All DVD drives;
HDTV receiver and its driver should be properly installed for HDTV
Hard Disk Available
At least 512 MB temporary space for TimeShift function; Large enough
space for HDTV/DVD record
DirectX DirectX 9.0 or later

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