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This advanced DMX controllable multi-color light effect has 12 different rotating gobo patterns and a
special feature called gobo shaking. The 250W halogen lamp ensures a room lling effect. This light
effect is ideal for permanent installation or mobile use
The QUAKE250 is not for household use. It is not a toy: it presents risks of serious injury due to
electric shock, high heat, and intense light. For safe operation, read this manual before using the
xture and observe all warnings and precautions printed here and on the xture. If you have questions
about how to operate the xture safely, please contact your König distributor or dealer.
For protection against dangerous electric shock, the xture must be grounded (earthed). The AC
mains supply shall be tted with a fuse or circuit breaker and ground-fault protection.
The xture operating voltage is printed on the rating label. Verify that the operating voltage closely
matches the AC supply voltage before connecting the xture. Do not connect the xture if the
voltage on the label differs from the AC mains voltage by more than ve percent.
Verify that all used power cables are undamaged and rated for the current requirements of all
connected devices before use.
There are no user serviceable parts inside except the lamp. Refer all service to a qualied
Replace the lamp if it becomes defective or worn out. Allow the xture to cool for 15 minutes before
installing a new lamp and make sure the xture is disconnected from the AC mains supply.
Keep all combustible materials (for example fabric, wood, paper) at least 50cm (20 inches) away
from the xture. Keep ammable materials well away from the xture.
Provide a minimum clearance of 10cm (4 inches) around the fan and air vents.
When suspending the xture above ground level, verify that the structure can hold at least 10 times
the weight of all installed devices and secure the xture with an approved safety cable. Block
access below the work area whenever installing or removing the xture.
When carrying the xture, lock the mounting bracket securely and do not touch the lens or mirrors.
Do not expose the xture to rain or moisture.
Do not illuminate surfaces within 1 meter (39 inches) of the xture.
Do not operate the xture if the ambient temperature exceeds 40°C (104°F).
Never place lters or other objects over the lens or mirrors.
Important! Electric dimmers may damage the electronic components.
Although the QUAKE250 cannot be dimmed, it may be switched on and off remotely using switch
packs or the full-on and full-off levels on dimmer packs.
The best way to hang the QUAKE250 is to use a rigging clamp. Bolt the clamp securely to the
mounting bracket. Verify that the structure can hold at least 10 times the weight of all installed devices
and secure the xture with an approved safety cable. Change to the desired angle by adjusting the
mounting bracket and tighten both swivel locks.
Install the xture at least 50cm (20 inches) away from combustible materials. Keep ammable
materials well away from the xture. Make sure the xture does not illuminate surfaces within 1 meter
(39 inches).
To ensure maximum lamp life, provide a minimum clearance of 10cm (4 inches) around the fan and air
vents. Make sure the ambient temperature will not exceed 40°C (104°F) and do not place the xture
on or nearby a loudspeaker.
DL-QUAKE250_A5.indd 2 2009.9.1 9:33:30 AM

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