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Congratulations on your purchase of the Klipsch RoomGroove music
center. The RoomGroove is a wireless transceiver utilizing Wireless
Technology to transmit and receive CD-quality audio
signals to and from other KlipschCast components. The RoomGroove
features an iPod
dock and auxiliary input for connecting your
favorite components and enjoying them locally or transmitting them
throughout your home.
The RoomGroove is a true two-way, stereo sound system incorporating
two long-throw woofers and two MicroTractrix
Horn-loaded tweeters
in a ported enclosure. This system provides the accuracy, detail and
output that will bring your music to life as only Klipsch can.
Unpack the Box
Unpack the entire contents of the shipping box and make sure you
have the following items.
The RoomGroove is intelligently designed to easily accommodate
all iPods. Touching the Klipsch logo on the front of the RoomGroove
will reveal the retractable iPod dock. The RoomGroove must be
powered on for the drawer to open and close. When the dock is
extended, touching the dock again will cause it to retract. The dock
will not move when an iPod is docked. The dock will automatically
retract when no iPod is present and the RoomGroove is in standby
mode (the power LED will be red).
Docking and Listening to an iPod
The RoomGroove offers a 3.5mm stereo auxiliary input on the
rear of the device. To connect an auxiliary device, simply plug the
audio output of the device into the “Aux Input” on the rear of the
RoomGroove. You must use a 3.5mm stereo cable.
Connecting an Auxiliary Source
Place the RoomGroove on a sturdy surface. Plug the power cord into
the rear of the RoomGroove and then into a standard wall outlet. The
RoomGroove is now ready to listen to any source being transmitted
with wireless KlipschCast Technology.
The RoomGroove is designed to work with Apple universal well
inserts. Several inserts are supplied with your RoomGroove
system. If your iPod came with an insert, it can also be used in the
RoomGroove. To configure the RoomGroove for your specific iPod,
select the appropriate well insert and place it in the universal well
as shown in the diagram. Now you are ready to dock your iPod.
While your iPod is docked, its battery is charging (until it is fully
To listen to the docked iPod, press the “Listen” button on the
RoomGroove or the remote until the “Listen” light becomes blue
and you hear the iPod. The iPod can be directly accessed by
pressing the “iPod” button on the RoomGroove’s remote control.
Thank You
Remote Control
Universal Well Inserts
Power Supply
To listen to the auxiliary source, press the “Listen” button on
the RoomGroove or the remote until the “Listen” light becomes
blue and you hear the auxiliary device. This can also be done by
pressing the “Aux” button on the RoomGroove’s remote control.
Note: The “Listen” light will be blue when listening to either a
local iPod or a device connected to the local auxiliary input. If
both inputs are in use, the “Listen” button will go from the Aux
to the iPod in that order.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Klipsch Roomgroove 5V

Klipsch Roomgroove 5V Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 68 pagina's

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