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Instruction manual
1. Read these instructions carefully before fi rst use. Failure to observe the following precauti-
ons can result in serious injury.
2. NEVER use this tool near explosive materials, liquids, or gases.
3. Disconnect equipment from the air supply before changing attachments or accessories.
4. Do not wear baggy or loose clothing when working.
5. Wear appropriate protective equipment such as safety goggles, gloves, hearing protection
and / or respiratory protection.
6. During operation, make sure you can maintain fi rm, secure footing.
7. Disconnect from the air supply prior to the installation of accessories, or before maintenance
on pneumatic devices.
8. NEVER aim a compressed air device at yourself or anyone else. This can result in serious
9. Tighten all fi ttings and always be sure that your equipment is in good working condition.
10. If the tool starts to operate unusually, release the trigger and disconnect the pneumatic
device from the air supply. Do not use the air unit again until it has been either tested or
11. Only use accessories suitable for use with compressed air.
Improper use of this type of device can cause injury and property damage. Read these instruc-
tions and all safety precautions carefully before use. When working with air tools, always follow
standard safety guidelines to minimise the risk of injury.
Please read these instructions carefully before fi rst use.
If you have any questions about this product, please contact your supplier.
This warranty does not cover damage due to improper use, improper maintenance, or normal wear and tear.
It is void if the tool has been repaired or modifi ed by an unauthorised person.
For satisfactory results when working with compressed air equipment, ensure it has a proper air supply. The
pressure of the air intake should be 6.3 bar (90psi).
Use a 3/8” air hose between the compressor and the tool. Compressed air is cooled and its water content
condenses as soon as the air leaves the compressor.
29641 manual.indd 2 07-11-11 12:07

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