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Congratulations! You have just purchased one of the latest in a long line of
exceptional car audio power amplifiers from Stillwater Designs. Your KICKER
Impulse was designed and engineered by the same team which created
many other international award winning KICKER components like the ZR, ZX,
and XS-Series amps. It contains a number of cutting-edge features to give
you outstanding performance
Thanks for buying KICKER. Enjoy.
A set of RCA output jacks on your KICKER Impulse four-channel amplifier allows you to
build multiple amplifier systems without using RCA splitter cords to distribute the signal.
Now it is simply a matter of bringing one set of RCA cables into the first amplifier, then
using the output RCA jacks as a feed to the next amplifier. A rear channel input switch
allows four-channel output operation from either one or two inputs.
Amplifiers are stable at 2 Ohms stereo and as low as 4 Ohms in mono.
Input connections are included for high and low level signals for use with radios that
have either RCA or speaker level outputs.
An electronic crossover is built in for convenience and allows you to select high pass for
satellite speakers, low pass for subwoofers, or bypass for full range operation. In full range
configuration the KICKER Impulse amplifiers will operate stereo and mono and at the same
Auto-resetting short circuit and overthermal protection circuits are incorporated to pro-
tect the amplifier from failure due to extreme conditions.
State of the art circuit including MOSFET power supply and glass epoxy circuit boards
are used to ensure many years of trouble free operation.
IX254, IX404, IX704
Four-Channel Power Amplifier

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