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P.O. Box 459 • Stillwater, Oklahoma 74076 • U.S.A. • (405) 624-8510
1. No audio output from the iK500? Make sure the volume is turned up to an audible level on both
the iK500 and the audio playback device connected to the iK500. Make sure the system is not muted.
Check power connections Make sure the iK500 is turned on and functioning properly. Try resetting
the iK500 by unplugging the unit, waiting 10 seconds and plugging it back in to the wall. Check
Auxiliary Mode If you are trying to playback audio from an auxiliary device, make sure that Aux-In
mode is enabled and the device is connected to the 1/8” stereo input on the back of the iK500. If you
are trying to playback audio from a docked iPod, make sure that Aux-In mode is disabled.
2. Remote Control isn’t working? Check for objects blocking the remote sensor on the bottom left
corner of the right speaker grill. See Figure 2. Check the remote battery and replace if necessary.
Open the battery compartment of the remote and replace the CR2025 3V Lithium battery.
sure the iPod is functioning properly if not, refer to the item 3, below.
3. iPod not responding? Make sure the iPod is not paused or in Hold mode. The high bass output of
the iK500 can cause the iPod to freeze due to a
coustic vibrations. Reboot the iPod by pressing and
holding the play/pause button for approximately six seconds. Press any button to turn the iPod back
on. If this doesnt work, Reset the iPod by connecting the iPod to the iK500 dock connector. Put
the iPod in Hold Mode and then slide the Hold switch back to the Off position. Finally, simultaneously
press and hold the Center and Menu butt
ons for approximately six seconds. To reset an original iPod
with a dock connector (with four buttons below the display), simultaneously press and hold the
Play/Pause and Menu buttons to reset an original iPod.
KICKER warrants this product to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use for a period of
ONE (1) YEAR from date of original purchase with the orginal receipt from an Authorized KICKER Dealer. Should
service be necessary under this warranty for any reason due to manufacturing defect or malfunction during the
warranty period, KICKER will repair or replace (at its discretion) the defective mer
chandise with equivalent merchandise
at no charge. Warranty replacements may have cosmetic scratches and blemishes. Discontinued products may be
replaced with more current equivalent products.
This warranty is valid only for the original purchaser and is not extended to owners of the product subsequent to the
original purchaser. Any applicable implied warranties are limited in duration to a period of the express warranty as
provided herein beginning with the date of the original purchase at retail, and no warranties, whether express or
implied, shall apply to this product thereafter. Some states do not allow limitations o
n implied warranties; therefore
these exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights; however you may have other
rights that vary from state to state.
Defective merchan
dise should be returned to your local Authorized KICKER Dealer for warranty service. Assistance in
locating an Authorized Dealer can be found at www.kicker.com or by contacting KICKER directly.
If it becomes necessary for you to return d
efective merchandise directly to Stillwater Designs (KICKER), call the
KICKER Customer Service Department at (405) 624-8510 for a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number.
Package all defective items in
the original container or in a package that will prevent shipping damage, and return to:
Stillwater Designs, 5021 North Perkins Road, Stillwater, OK 74075
The RMA number must be clearly marked on the outside of the package. I
nclude a copy of the original receipt with the
purchase date clearly visible, and a "proof-of-purchase" statement listing your name and return shipping address, the
Dealer's name and invoice number, and product purchased. Warranty expiration on items without proof-of-purchase
will be determined from the type of sale and manufacturing date code. Freight must be prepaid; items sent freight-
collect, or COD, will be re
KICKER strives to maintain a goal of 72-hour service for all home and portable electronic returns. Delays may be
incurred if lack of replacement inventory or parts is encountered.
Failure to follow t
hese steps may void your warranty. Any questions can be directed to the KICKER Customer Service
Department at (405) 624-8510.
This warranty is valid only if the product is used for the purpose for which it
was designed.
It does not cover:
o Damage due to improper use.
o Damage due to improper installation of components or audio/video devices.
o Subsequent damage to other components or audio/video dev
o Damage caused by exposure to moisture, excessive heat, chemical cleaners, and/or UV radiation.
o Damage through negligence, misuse, flood, fire, earthquake, accident, or abuse. Repeated returns for the same
damage may be considered abuse.
o Items previously repaired or modified by any unauthorized repair facility or person.
o Return shipping on non-defective items.
o P
roducts with tampered or missing barcode labels.
o Products returned without a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number.
o Freight Damage.
o The cost of shipping product to KICKER.
o Service performed by anyone
other than KICKER.
Contact your International KICKER dealer or distributor concerning specific procedures for your country's warranty
WARNING: KICKER products are capable of producing sound levels that can permanently damage your hearing!
up a system to a level that has audible distortion is more damaging to your ears than listening to an
undistorted system at the same volume level. The threshold of pain is always an indicator that the sound level is too
loud and may permanently damage your hearing. Please use common sense when controlling volume.
Comuníquese con su concesionario o distribuidor KICKER internacional para ob
tener infor ación sobre procedimientos
específicos relacionados con las normas de garantía de su país.
ADVERTENCIA: Los excitadores KICKER son capaces de producir niveles de soni
do que pueden dañar
permanentemente el oído. Subir el volumen del sistema hasta un nivel que produzca distorsión ess dañino para el
oído que escuchar un sistema sin distorsión al mismo volumen. El dolor es siempre una indicación de que el sonido es
muy fuerte y que puede dañar permanentemente el oído. Sea precavido cuando controle el volumen
Nehmen Sie mit Ihren internationalen KICKER-Fachhändler oder Vertrieb Konta
kt auf, um Details über die
Garantieleistungen in Ihrem Land zu erfahren.
WARNUNG: KICKER-Treibernnen einen Schallpegel erzeugen, der zu permanenten Gerschäden führen kann!
Wenn Sie ein System auf einen Pegel stellen, derrbare Verzerrungen erzeugt
, schadet das Ihren Ohren mehr, als ein
nicht verzerrtes System auf dem gleichen Lautstärkepegel. Die Schmerzschwelle ist immer eine Anzeige dar, dass
der Schallpegel zu laut ist und zu permanenten Gers
chäden führen kann. Seien Sie bei der Lautstärkeeinstellung
bitte vernünftig!
Pour connaître les procédures propres à la politique de garantie de votre pays, contactez votre revendeur ou
distributeur International KICKER.
EMENT: Les haut-parleurs KICKER ont la capacité de produire des niveaux sonores pouvant endommager
l'ouïe de façon irréversible ! L'augmentation du volume d'un système jusqu'à un niveau présentant une distorsion
ible endommage davantage l'ouïe que l'écoute d'un système sans distorsion au même volume. Le seuil de la
douleur est toujours le signe que le niveau sonore est trop éleet risque d'endommager l'ouïe de façon irréversible.
glez le volume en faisant prevue de bon sens !

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