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the profile height. You reach the next bar via the MODE key;
then UP or DOWN again for height, etc. Program all 16 bars.
Training start by pressing the START key and active training.
If you have designed your individual route profile, you can
additionally set the default values. To this end, press the START
STOP key. All default values can be set individually [TIME,
DISTANCE, CALORIES or PULSE]. At least one default value must
be selected. After completing the setting of the default values,
you can start your training by pressing the START key and start
your active training.
The entire route profile can be increased or reduced via the UP
and DOWN keys either prior to the start of or during the
By means of the set training period (TIME), the computer counts
the training progress in the route profile (bar graph) from left to
right with a blinking bar. If the pre-set value [TIME, DISTANCE,
CALORIES or PULSE] is reached, an acoustic signal will sound
for 8 seconds. The training data is not counted further. You have
reached your training target! By pressing the START key, it is
also possible to continue your training.
Training > TARGET H.R.
Training via target heart rate (THR)
In this training mode, the route profile is automatically adjusted
to the setting values (age and THR) as well as the measured heart
If you have selected the training mode TARGET H.R. via the keys
RESET, UP / DOWN and MODE , a number appears in the large
display. This number and the designation AGE will be blinking.
Enter your age using the keys UP or DOWN and confirm it via
MODE. Finally, the value 55% will appear in the large display.
You can either select 55, 75 or 90% and/or enter your individual
setting of the target heart rate.
The percentage defaults 55%, 75% and 90% refer to the
maximum pulse rate (220 - age) and pre-determine 3 general
training intensities for the fitness training.
55% of the max. heart rate (220 - age) corresponds to the
starting phase of the general fat burning trainings. This
default can then also be increased manually to 65%.
75% of the max. heart rate (220 - age) corresponds to the
phase for a general fitness training.
90% of the max. heart rate (220 - age) is only suited for shorter
sub-maximum exertion intervals for performance increase in
interval training.
After selecting your THR value, confirm it via MODE. You then
reach the default setting.
In this training mode it is not possible to set a PULSE value. All
other default values can be set freely. [TIME, DISTANCE or
Training start by pressing the START key and active training.
The computer compares your currently measured heart rate
with the pre-set target value and accordingly adapts the
braking level during your training.
If the current heart rate is lower than the target value, the
braking level will be increased by one step every 30 seconds,
until the maximum value of the resistance or the set heart rate
is reached.
If the current heart rate is above the target value, the braking
level is automatically reduced. It will be reduced by one step
every 15 seconds until the set heart rate is reached.
If the braking level has been reduced to 1, but the value for
the heart rate still exceeds the target value for 1 minute, the
computer will stop and an acoustic alarm signal will sound
as a warning.
Over the set training period [TIME] the computer counts the
training progress in the route profile (bar graph) from left to
right with a blinking bar.
If the pre-set value [TIME, DISTANCE or CALORIES] is
reached, an acoustic signal will sound for 8 seconds. The
training data is not counted further. You have reached your
training target! By pressing the START key, it is also possible
to continue your training.
Functions and Operation of the Training Computer

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Kettler 07646-910 - Saphir 400 Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Português, Espanõl, Polski, Dansk - 32 pagina's

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