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6. Training instruction
For Your Safety:
Before beginning your program of exercise, consult your
doctor to ensure that you are fit enough to use the equipment.
Base your program of exercise on the advice given by your
doctor. Incorrect or excessive exercise may damage your
This device has particularly been designed and developed for
leisure time sportsmen. It is excellently suited for cardiovascular
The training methodically has to be organised on the principles
of stamina training. This will predominantly cause changes and
adaptations of the cardiovascular system. This includes the
reduction of the resting pulse frequency and of the load pulse.
This gives the heart more time for filling the ventricles and for
the blood circulation of the cardiac musculature (through the
coronary vessels). Moreover, depth of breathing and the volume
of air that can be breathed in (vital capacity) are increased. Further
positive changes take place in the metabolic system. In order
to achieve these positive changes, the training has to be planned
according to certain guidelines.
The intensity of training
When training with the device, the intensity of training on the
one hand is regulated through the step frequency and on the
other hand through the step resistance. The training person can
adjust the step resistance via the braking force regulation at the
steering column. Always pay attention to the fact not to overstrain
yourself with regard to intensity of training and to avoid over-
stress. Wrong or excessive training may be prejudicial to health.
Therefore, during training check as to whether you have correctly
determined your training intensity on the basis of your pulse fre-
quency. A rule of thumb for an appropriate pulse frequency is:
180 minus life age
This means that a 50 year old person, for example, should
organise his/her training at a pulse frequency of 130.
Training recommendations on the basis of this calculation are
considered to be favourable by numerous recognised sports phy-
sicians. According to them you should determine your step fre-
quency and the pedalling resistance such that you achieve your
optimal pulse frequency according to the above mentioned rule
of thumb.
These recommendations, however, only apply to healthy
persons and are not valid for cardiovascular patients!
The exercise and load scope
Beginners should increase the load and intensity of their training
only step by step. The first training units should be relatively short
and organised in intervals.
Sports physicians consider the following load factors to be
positive for fitness:
Beginners should not start with training units of 30 to 60 minutes.
A beginner training could be organised as follows during the
first four weeks:
In order to have a personal training documentation, you can enter
the training values achieved in the performance table.
Prior to and after every training unit gymnastic exercises lasting
approx. 5 minutes serve the warming up and/or cooling down.
There should be a day without training between two training units,
if you later on prefer to train three times a week for 20 - 30 minutes
each. Otherwise nothing can be said against a daily training.
Frequency Duration
daily 10 min
2-3 times weekly 20-30 min
1-2 times weekly 30-60 min
Frequency Length of exercise blocks
three times a week 2 minutes training
1 minute break for gymnastics
2 minutes training
1 minute break for gymnastics
2 minutes training
three times a week 3 minutes training
1 minute break for gymnastics
3 minutes training
1 minute break for gymnastics
2 minutes training
three times a week 4 minutes training
1 minute break for gymnastics
3 minutes training
1 minute break for gymnastics
3 minutes training
three times a week 5 minutes training
1 minute break for gymnastics
4 minutes training
1 minute break for gymnastics
4 minutes training
4th week
3rd week
2nd week
1st week
00:60 appears for the time and in the PULSE display the current
pulse value blinks. The time begins to count from 00:60 back-
wards. Keep your hands on the hand pulse sensors until >0< is
reached. Right in the display a value between F1 and F6 is shown.
F1 is the best and F6 the worse status. By pressing RECOVERY
again, the function is ended.
5. Recording pulse beat
The correct pulse rate for training [aerobic zone]
The basis for selecting the pulse rate for training is age. There
is a “correct”, so-called aerobic training range to suit every age
(rough formula: 180 less age), which is characterised by an upper
and lower pulse-rate limit (+/- 10 beats). Ideally, the pulse rate
during training should always lie within the aerobic zone. The
maximum pulse-rate frequency (200 less age) should not be
exceeded. The following diagram applies for healthy persons.
Puls / min.
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Aerobic Zone
200 minus age
Training instruction

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Andere handleiding(en) van Kettler 07624-000 VIGO 500

Kettler 07624-000 VIGO 500 Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Espanõl, Polski - 20 pagina's

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