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To prevent injury and/or fire, take the
following precautions:
Insert the unit all the way until it is fully
locked in place. Otherwise it may fly out of
place during collisions and other jolts.
When extending the ignition, battery, or
ground wires, make sure to use automotive-
grade wires or other wires with a 0.75mm
(AWG18) or more to prevent wire
deterioration and damage to the wire
•To prevent short circuits, never put or leave
any metallic objects (e.g., coins or metal
tools) inside the unit.
If the unit starts to emit smoke or strange
smells, turn off the power immediately and
consult your Kenwood dealer.
Make sure not to get your fingers caught
between the faceplate and the unit.
Be careful not to drop the unit or subject it to
strong shock.
The unit may break or crack because it
contains glass parts.
Do not touch the liquid crystal fluid if the
LCD is damaged or broken due to shock. The
liquid crystal fluid may be dangerous to your
health or even fatal.
If the liquid crystal fluid from the LCD
contacts your body or clothing, wash it off
with soap immediately.
To prevent damage to the machine,
take the following precautions:
Make sure to ground the unit to a negative
12V DC power supply.
Do not open the top or bottom covers of the
Do not install the unit in a spot exposed to
direct sunlight or excessive heat or humidity.
Also avoid places with too much dust or the
possibility of water splashing.
Do not set the removed faceplate or the
faceplate case in areas exposed to direct
sunlight, excessive heat or humidity. Also
avoid places with too much dust or the
possibility of water splashing.
•To prevent deterioration, do not touch the
terminals of the unit or faceplate with your
Do not subject the faceplate to excessive
shock, as it is a piece of precision equipment.
When replacing a fuse, only use a new one
with the prescribed rating. Using a fuse with
the wrong rating may cause your unit to
•To prevent short circuits when replacing a
fuse, first disconnect the wiring harness.
Do not place any object between the
faceplate and the unit.
During installation, do not use any screws
except for the ones provided. The use of
improper screws might result in damage to
the main unit.
About CD players/disc changers
connected to this unit
KENWOOD disc changers/ CD players
released in 1998 or later can be connected to
this unit.
Refer to the catalog or consult your Kenwood
dealer for connectable models of disc
changers/ CD players.
Note that any KENWOOD disc changers/ CD
players released in 1997 or earlier and disc
changers made by other makers cannot be
connected to this unit.
Unsupported connection may result in
Setting the "O-N" Switch to the "N" position for
the applicable KENWOOD disc changers/ CD
The functions that can be used and the
information that can be displayed will differ
depending on the models being connected.
You can damage both your unit and the CD
changer if you connect them incorrectly.
Do Not Load 8-cm (3-in.) CDs in the CD
If you try to load an 8-cm CD with its adapter
into the unit, the adapter might separate from
the CD and damage the unit.
Safety precautions
KDC-M4524_U.S_r3 2002.11.15 12:58 PM Page 3

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