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Auto Power Save function (APS)
The System comes with an “Auto
Power Save (APS)” function, which
turns off the power automatically
when no sound is output for 15
minutes. This function is turned on in
the default setting.
In this manual...
The remote control buttons are used for
explaining the operations unless mentioned
otherwise. Button unless mentioned otherwise
indicates the remote control buttons. However, if
the System has buttons with the same or similar
names, they can also be used for the operations.
The display shown in this manual may differ from
the actual display in some cases.
In this manual...
In this manual, “iPod” includes iPod, iPod touch
and iPhone devices. When referring specifically
to iPod touch or iPhone, “iPod touch” or “iPhone”
is used respectively.
In this manual, the term “Android device” is
referred to as a smartphone and a tablet device,
that are equipped with the Android OS.
In this manual, “file” and “track” are used
interchangeably for explanations on MP3/WMA/
Declaration of Conformity with regard to the
EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
Declaration of Conformity with regard to the
R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
JVC KENWOOD Corporation
3-12, Moriya-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi,
Kanagawa 221-0022, Japan
EU Representative's:
Kenwood Electronics Europe BV
Amsterdamseweg 37, 1422 AC UITHOORN, The
Hereby, Kenwood declares that this unit
K-575BT-B/K-575BT-S is in compliance with the
essential requirements and other relevant
provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
Notes on Operating the Buttons on This
There are two ways to press the buttons on this
Short press on button:
Press a button lightly and release it instantly. The
System may not respond if excessive force is
applied to a button or if the button is not released
instantly. If it does not respond as intended, retry by
adjusting how long a button is pressed or the amount
of force applied.
Release quickly
Long press on button:
Press and hold the button until the desired operation
is performed, then release your finger.
Press and hold down
2. CAUTION: Do not open the top cover or cabinet.
There are no user serviceable parts inside the
unit; leave all servicing to qualified service

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Andere handleiding(en) van Kenwood K-575 BT

Kenwood K-575 BT Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 16 pagina's

Kenwood K-575 BT Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

Kenwood K-575 BT Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 16 pagina's

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