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se your new Kenwood Citrus
uicer to squeeze the juice from
citrus fruit eg oranges, lemons, limes
nd grapefruits.
efore using your Kenwood
Read these instructions carefully and
retain for future reference.
Remove all packaging and any
Switch off and unplug:
before fitting or removing parts
after use
before cleaning.
Never let the power unit, cord or
plug get wet.
Never use a damaged appliance.
Get it checked or repaired: see
Don’t let the cord touch hot surfaces
or hang down where a child could
grab it.
This appliance is not intended for
use by persons (including children)
with reduced physical, sensory or
mental capabilities, or lack of
experience and knowledge, unless
they have been given supervision or
instruction concerning use of the
appliance by a person responsible
for their safety.
Children should be supervised to
ensure that they do not play with the
Only use the appliance for its
intended domestic use. Kenwood
will not accept any liability if the
appliance is subject to improper use,
or failure to comply with these
Don’t press too hard on the
cone or run for longer than 10
minutes - you may damage
your juicer.
efore plugging in
ake sure your electricity supply is
the same as the one shown on the
nderside of the appliance.
his appliance conforms to EC
directive 2004/108/EC on
Electromagnetic Compatibility and
EC regulation no. 1935/2004 of
27/10/2004 on materials intended
for contact with food.
before using for the first time
1 Wash the parts: see ‘care and
dust cover
juice bowl
drip stop
detachable drive shaft
power unit
cord storage
to use your citrus juicer
1 Fit the drive shaft to the power
unit. Place the juice bowl with
drip stop on top.
2 Place the strainer inside the
bowl , then add the cone . Put
a jug under the outlet.
3 Push the drip stop down ready for
juicing .
4 Cut the fruit in half and place one
half on the cone. The juicer will
operate automatically.
For best results store and juice the
fruit at room temperature and hand
roll on a worktop before juicing.
To help with juice extraction move
the fruit from side to side.
When juicing large quantities, empty
the strainer regularly to prevent the
build up of pulp and seeds.
5 To stop the juicer, lift the fruit from
the cone. Lift the drip stop up
before removing the jug.

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